1. Lesley Lehane says

    My photo gallery doesn't work. But I am using an unofficial mac version so that might be it… .-.

  2. Scrub 🍏 says

    Me: omg! Old Kakoni! reads name nevermind. It's "Nodo"…

  3. Hi Hello says

    “ Nodo mana” WTH!??!?

  4. Cleetus Deletus says

    did anyone else notice his FPS count say infinity?

  5. yuri says

    2018 ?

  6. chey2310 chey2310 says

    Woah woah woah nodo mana! Is kokona and she's in gardening not cooking WHAT

  7. Cats are Great says

    Sigh…. those days when YandereDev didn't sound like an empty shell.

  8. Debbie. says

    “What dose yandere chan do with those pictures? That’s up to your imagination….” let’s just say, yan chan knows how to finger work 😉

  9. Sultanullah Abodunrin says

    Saki was originally named Azu Naka? HahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahaahahahajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaajajjajajaajjajajajajjajajjajajajajajajaajjajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajajajajajajjajaajajjajajajajajajajajjajjajajajjajajajajajajjajajjajajjaajjajajajjaajjajjajajajajjajajahahahahhahahahahahhahHahHhHhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaah Ha

  10. ThatStrangePotato_A.I.'s says

    2018 anyone?

  11. Charlie says


    where do you think you're going…

    Oh my god Yandere Dev is so sassy I can't

  12. invaderjessea says

    He was so innocent and awkward back then aw lol

  13. edgelord says

    your little timid voice is so adorable ahh

  14. Masterbation. It's masterbation that he is insinuating.

  15. Hatsune Miku says

  16. Jake Mac says

    I’m pretty sure this is the first yandere dev video I’ve seen, I remember these days. We’ve come along way!

  17. 「PixelMuffinz」 says

    In old videos yanderedev sounds really nervous! But in new videos he Is totally fine XD

  18. Kitty Meow art says

    I'm watch all old vids wow look at this

  19. Lee Lavastone says

    Okay for anyone watching this in the future KAKONAS NAME IS DIFFERENT! IN THIS VERSION HER NAME IS NODO MANA

  20. NicokeSenpai says

    ѕнє ρяσвαвℓу тσυ¢нєѕ нєяѕєℓf ωιтн нєя ρнσиє ωιтн тнє ρι¢ σи ѕ¢яєєи..

  21. Yoshi Plays1 says

    Poor old awkward yandere dev XD

  22. xXGacha&PupsXx ;P says

    Who watching IN 2018

  23. I’m Otis says

    Where's that video where info chan turns on Yandere Chan and admits that she likes Senpai and they fight on the rooftop. (I know it's a scrapped idea I just wanna watch it)

  24. Art Junker says

    "what does she do when she uses the picture of senpai?" "its all hp to your imagination kids!" (rabdom dirty minded person) "MASTERBA-" "aw hell na!"

  25. majestic says

    why is this video so quiet?

  26. edgelord says

    the "hello" at the start was so adorable ahh

  27. Fastboy 555 says

    Yandere chan is using these pictures in a bathroom stall…. what is she doing? Use your "imagination". Sounds perverted…

  28. Ugh this censorships are annoying, doesn't youtube know that because of this constant issues the game's dev is being delayed?

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