Photography On Location: Route 66


In this “photography on location” video I venture to the Mojave Desert in search of scenes worthy of exposing on film. A small stretch of abandoned buildings along the iconic Route 66 caught my eye and served up plenty of photo opportunities for the day.

I had no shortage of cameras with me on this trip: my Shen Hao TFC 617-A panoramic 6×17 camera, my Mamiya RZ67 medium format camera with both 6×7 and 6×6 backs, my Polaroid SX-70, and even my Polaroid Originals OneStep 2. My films of choice for the day were Fuji Velvia 100, Kodak Portra 160, and Polaroid Originals 600 color and monochrome.

So many options, so little time. But hey, variety is the spice of life, right?

Deteriorating buildings in the middle of the desert with a rumbling freight train in the background while I meticulously compose a shot on my 6×17 panoramic view camera is about 1 step away from my idea of heaven. I couldn’t get enough of this place. The decaying buildings, the long and lonesome Route 66, the desert air, the incredible cameras…it’s what I live for.

Overall, I’m quite pleased with the photos from this outing. The panoramic 6×17 shots ended up being my favorites, but then again there’s something especially fun about shooting 6×6. Fuji Velvia film delivered as always on its promise of colorful, contrasty, “popping” photos while Kodak Portra gave me a much softer color palette and contrast.

Both looks have their merits and each are beautiful films in their own way. I can never make up my mind as to which look I like better.

Variety. Spice. Life. …mmhhmm.

Please visit my website for more videos, tips, how-to’s, online photography courses, and more! Follow me on Facebook and Twitter and please give this video a thumbs up!

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  1. Gary Conrad says

    Fantastic video I am going part time for work next year and have my sight set on a 4 x 5 with a 6 x 17 roll film back. You inspired me.

  2. Danny Liao says

    Can you share you metering method? Thanks!

  3. Marie says

    Every film photographer “I hope that looks good” haha!

  4. Paul Holmes says

    It's always good to see a man enjoying his craft as much as you do. Thanks for posting.

  5. Edgar Freytes says

    WOOOW those polaroids shot, are beautifull

  6. Andrew Ball says

    Where was this shot Nick? I gotta go there

  7. Markus Gore says

    pretty entertaining video, for film nerds … like me … haha

  8. Kate Jay says

    I wanna go out shooting with this guy 😂

  9. Lochlan Hughes says

    Hey we have the same shoes

  10. Flaneur says

    dude, u bought a yeti cooler just for your films? lol nice but expensive!

  11. U-777 zevennaam says

    Fun and informative.

  12. Stephen Sweeney says

    First video of yours I've watched – absolutely love it; amazing shots too, man!

  13. Ross Wilson says

    Nice man, you remind me of the Survivor Man, but with cameras.

  14. J. Jordan says

    Nice to see someone still shooting Polaroids (and film!). My "phase" started probably before you were born! Nice work, I like your work and sense of humor. 😉

  15. mark y says

    Have you been to Keeler, looks like the kinda place you might like, just south of Lone Pine.

  16. Distagon 60 says

    The ol' lunch-in-the-truck-shade routine. I can surely relate Nick.

  17. Kralle says

    You are the only photographer on youtube that I take seriously.

  18. Trópico says

    whts the name of the little country song playing in the background?

  19. David Ewers Photography says

    I see you went east of B

  20. Najja Foluke says

    Enjoyed the video. The subject matter was definitely a photographer's dream to shoot. Keep shooting, and sharing!

  21. Scout Dog says

    Nick, When you are out like this how do you secure your gear that remains in the vehicle? I normally only take one camera with me, but am thinking about bringing a couple of film cameras on my next outing. Thinking gear security might be a good topic?

  22. andre1k28 says

    16:50 My God..looks like a green screen shot!

  23. Rob Skovell says

    Please tell me what’s the name of your soundtrack? It’s so atmospheric!

  24. Rob Skovell says

    What a refreshing video! And using film! who would have thought photography was only digital! I still have all my film cameras and my beloved Bronica Etrs 645. But what I liked most was your attitude, come what may you dealt with the light and the restrictions like wire fences etc. And you possess a very mature colour palette, massive points there!

  25. Saravanesh Raja says

    8:27 that frame though! Could have been a good pic. Don't you think?

    1. Route 66 sign on a cracked rood
    2. Mountains on the far left
    3. Train (good old goods)
    4. Abondon building
    5. Posts with no wires attached

    I would buy it!

  26. Wout de Zeeuw says

    Nick, can I invoice you for all the gear that I'm going to buy because of you? Kidding, awesome stuff man, every single photo I thought was great, and I especially liked the 6×17 panoramas.

  27. Makers Telemark says

    That was fun, thanks for the trip.

  28. bella o says

    Hey! What tripod is that? Looking for something that can hold my rb67

  29. Robert Dennis says

    Great video. Ludlow CA?

  30. Raychristofer says

    Hello I always enjoy your videos when I have time and I was enjoying this one up until the part where you film yourself eating lunch. As a YouTuber myself that's one thing I try to avoid to my utmost is wasting subscribers time being self-indulgent. I had to turn it off at that point

  31. jamie derevere says

    Good work!

  32. James Brown says

    A really underrated photographer on youtube!

    Your panoramics are brilliant. The colours and compositions. Superb!

    And i liked the polaroid shots too. Theyre kind of haunting. As though the photographer who took them was never seen again. Lol

  33. Xella E says

    What meter are you using?

  34. James Lane says

    Loved your Polaroids and the Portra shots! Didn't like the Velvia 100 so much… Too blue and magenta for my tastes.

    Edit: I take that back, I watched the rest of the video and the last three Velvia shots in the sunset were amazingly beautiful!

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