How to use spot metering in your portrait photography


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This video is a clip from a recent remote controlled photo session of our Good Light Academy. In this video I share with you how I use a spot metering to improve the exposure of my portait photos in an LED powered photo shoot.

Gear shown in this video:
Falconeyes RX-36 TDX (
Sony a7R II (
Sony FE 24-70mm GM (

I wish you good light!

  1. Stephen Rutter says

    Great video thank you 🙂

  2. Rage Studios says

    what's the model instagram?

  3. Veselin Vasilev says

    Thank You!

  4. Goldmangun says

    Really useful, thank you!

  5. Lincoln LordĂȘllo says

    It will work for a darker skin tones?

  6. Robert Neill says

    Thank you!

  7. Bob Shurtleff says

    Hi Michael- this is good for constant lights, but what about strobes.

  8. mixc8 says

    Hi I looked on line to find the Falcon Eyes RX-36TDX but couldnt seem to find one 🙁 can you recommand where I can purchase this please?

  9. Ferdinand Acaylar Jr says

    You deserve my like

  10. naturaltai says

    I cannot tell you enough how much your tutorials help me, if nothing more than serve as inspiration. Thank you!

  11. Greg Simmons says

    Very informative, thanks!

  12. Sergio Derder says

    👍👍 which software are you using to shoot tethering ?? Great vid btw!!

  13. RS says

    now this is how itshould be done!

  14. Joel Caraballo says

    very informative! I would love to see more content like this in 1080p instead of 720p.

  15. mixc8 says

    Mike as a pro photographer myself I have been following you for years! Excellent as always….. You have always been one of my favorite channels period

  16. Rick O says

    great tutorial on spot metering portraits. thank you

  17. allan savage says

    😂 came for tips on spot metering.. got a channel 5 soft porn 😂

  18. Nuri Ucar says

    Hallo where is teethering toolsprogramm Dwonload link please thank you

  19. Radovan MatuĆĄinec says

    Great video! Could you make a video how to set your color in camera and lightroom to have a perfect skin tones?

  20. Art Lopez says

    😂 this photog such a perv

  21. DON SCHIFFER says

    As always very interesting and informative! Thank you!

  22. Richard Wintle says

    Thanks Michael. That interface on the A7RII is really nice.

  23. fderive says

    Hello, somewhat unrelated question, does Sony have tethering software? can you tell me what software you are using? thank you

  24. Fabien Corrente Stil-Photos says

    Great video !

  25. Stephen Soukup says

    great info as always cousin Michael. Great job and beautiful portraits and lighting. keep up the good work.. cheers

  26. Steven Scholten says

    Spot metering in Manual mode???? there is no metering in manual mode. Unless you use auto ISO, but then it is not manual mode.

  27. Atlas Besik Niyo says

    Great to see you back. It's been a while. Looking forward to more tips from you.

  28. PavelR2 says

    Using constant light and mirrorless camera offer faster solution to find desired exposure than using spot metering value. Setting up Zebra to value you know is the maximum safe exposure for post proccess, It is easy to know where are clipping highlights and where are not clipping just by rotating any dial (aperture, shutter speed, ISO). I use manual mode 99% of the time and avoiding clipping highlights where I do not want them just in 2 seconds.

  29. Dave Vee says

    Good to see you are well cousin! Great stuff as usual!

  30. TheMaddman187 says

    Absolutely amazing….. thank you

  31. BeeMar Gutsa says

    Great tutorial Michael. Thank You 🙏

  32. David Hair says

    Interesting and informative as always. Your wife is a wonderful model. You are very lucky my friend.

  33. SalserosComPl says

    Hi Michael and cousin. Video like always with good sense of humour and knowledge easy to "Take". Thanks.

  34. Yellow Ribbon Studios says

    Always look forward to your tutorials…..

  35. ErebosGR says

    So good to see you two again!
    Nice tutorial. The "naked apron" theme is very interesting and one of my favorites because you can shoot your model in virtually any room (kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom etc.)

  36. Vasiliy Ivanishvili says

    Welcome back!!! We waiting you so long!!!

  37. DarknessRifter says

    Brilliant video. Learning a lot. How would you manage the metering if you were working with studio flash lights?

  38. Collin Anderson says

    Great tutorial, thanks Michael.

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