Artist Review: Surface Studio 2


Is the Microsoft Surface Studio 2 the ultimate workstation for artists? Find out in this review.

00:49 – Specs & price
01:39 – Design
07:48 – Colour support
10:48 – Drawing performance
19:42 – Photo editing
21:01 – Graphic design
22:22 – Video editing
24:46 – Conclusion

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  1. Teoh Yi Chie says

    00:49 – Specs & price

    01:39 – Design

    07:48 – Colour support

    10:48 – Drawing performance

    19:42 – Photo editing

    21:01 – Graphic design

    22:22 – Video editing

    24:46 – Conclusion

  2. OhMyBooda says

    I want to live in a universe where this thing exists but compatible with apple pencil and procreate.

  3. [DON'S-D-ART] says

    Is this better than the Dell canvas?

  4. Hanxi Guo says

    I changed my mind, Im getting the surface studio 2 instead of Imac Pro

  5. SolahMoon Productions says

    it seems pretty amazing…can't wait to get mine….the only thing i wish they upgrade is the glossy screen because it is very reflective and distracting…at this time in technology all screens should be absolutely mate especially for touch screens for graphic design and drawing, also the jitters should be fixed to match the amazing screen specs and different software …other than that it seems great….thank you for this awesome review…look forward more of your detailed reviews. Thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  6. Isaac Kershner says

    It seems like tech guys and gamers hate it and artists love it. I’m a 3d artist thinking of getting it.

  7. XxKiLLsHoTTxX says

    Beautiful Instructional, Review … Hands down one of the best I have seen. Clear, precise, perfect tonality, and flow. Very well done! Felt really unbiased while still sharing your impressions.

  8. Fan de Cristo Jesús M.J.M says

    minute 16:00 + cool, it has the feature that I wanted

  9. Ashley Cannuli says

    Thank you for posting a table of contents. I never see this in any other videos and it is so considerate of you to your viewers who want to jump right in to that specific set of content. You get a like and subscribe from me for the great work! Thank you!!!

  10. Aidan Dunn says

    By far the worst unboxing, we don’t need an explanation for every single thing, “you should use two hands to tilt” “I put the keyboard one keyboard space up under the screen” it’s so annoying

  11. MarSH says

    jitter..totally unacceptable..what is microsoft thinking…

  12. Create art For fun says

    I’m gonna say also I love your videos , your video is so soothing and not annoying like some YT channels . I can’t stand the infomercial voices that some people use because it becomes unenjoyable to watch . Love your videos

  13. Create art For fun says

    Just went to a Microsoft store today and the videos and pictures do NOT do this beauty justice it’s gorgeous !

  14. H R says

    Nice video brother👌💐💐

  15. Sungwon Shin says

    3500 dollar for a some choppy glass with jitter issues and lots of issues.. well-made.
    i'd rather buy cintiq if i needed serious tablet upgrade from intuous

  16. Ainah Disimban says

    Your reviews are the best! Being an artist who engage in digital and traditional art, your channel is the best to visit.

  17. Donut Planet Studio says


  18. boycool coolboy says

    can you try new Huawei Matebook E 2019 with pen?good one>

  19. Emthesage EMM says

    IPad pro

  20. b m says

    For Photoediting in Lr/PS its great and movies fast Premier. It is the replacement for my Imac. Just have to give up OS eco system and use Microfoft Office. Its Adobe all the way.

  21. An Chang says

    which country did you from?

  22. TeleJazzer says

    What about correction for the jitter?

  23. Bubblegum Nebula says

    Finally a practical and relevant review. You showed us what ports it had, how it moves and features that other reviews don't mention. Showing us how it zoomed with different programs was so helpful. Great job!

  24. Rachade Fofana says

    Thats a very cool product but way to expensive.
    I Hope they Send it to you for reviewing and you Van keep it

  25. Pixel Pusher says

    Can´t believe Microsoft still hasn´t figured out a way to get rid of pen jitter. If this is supposed to be a tool for the serious digital artist, this problem needs to be addressed asap. Otherwise it´s a deal breaker for many people in this field.

  26. reverb2max says

    First impression: high glare screen m( ….so this is more a lifestyle product.

  27. Sloppy Toons says

    I miss the ambient bird sounds from your earlier reviews :p glad to see a proper review of the device. I think the Cintiq is still the way to go.

  28. Dom Delos Reyes says

    It's like watching expensive travel or food review. Want to experience or taste it but can't really afford it. LOL

  29. satrsmndri says

    For $3500, you could get a cintiq pro 24 and build your own high end pc to run it through…Also always hated the feel of the surface pen and its pressure curve. I was never able to get the subtlety that I am able to get with Wacom although maybe that's changed in the last couple of years.

  30. cresshead says

    can you plug in a second screen?

  31. OX MONSTER says

    Overpriced garbage

  32. godofiron says

    I mean… the price of this at the higher end makes Wacom products look reasonable.

    honestly wish I had crazy amounts of money to throw around – I'd definitely get this because the design is insanely good. But as I am now, I cannot justify the spending even on the base model.

  33. Jordan F says

    This is the best artist review ive seen so far, but those lines look wobbily yo.

  34. Gigawatt Graphics says

    This was great! Thanks for sharing your review! Awesome 3D model by the way! We should chat, I could use your 3D modeling skills in the future.

  35. Gürkan Draman says

    Hey! Teoh Yi Chie
    this is garbage

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