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– 3D camera tracking in Adobe After Effects is super simple. In this tutorial you will learn how to add elements like Polaroid films to your moving shots like in the season 2 trailer of ’13 Reasons Why’ by Netflix. This After Effects tutorial is for beginners.

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#Cinecom #CopyCat

  1. Cinecom.net says

    Thank you for the amazing comments everyone! Feels really good to read them all. Have a nice weekend !! 😜

  2. Ilya Prieur says

    do 8d music !

  3. 버티뉴라이프 says

    LG comercial So Cute!! It's so much fun.Thank you always.


    I have a queation and i need to be cleared, how were shooting the takes, I mean was the camera recording in slow motion or normal settings? THANKS!

  5. TomasCzech says

    Yannicks new girlfriend is ultra wide

  6. Travis L says

    Could I use this technique to add a clone of myself and have it tracked?

  7. Zevesh Soni says

    i want to learn from you guys and want to join you as a assistant.

  8. 이승석 says

    thanks you!!!

  9. Vesha Ivanchin says

    Guys, thank you for the tutorial and for your job. But I still don't understand how exactly you made the "polaroid" transition. First part of video get into the second part through the polaroid picture… How did you do this???

  10. Parkour Hub says

    7:58 if you look close enough you can see yannick blink

  11. giancarlo de luca says

    Ho guys.. i'd like to know of i can do the dame effex with final cut pro cose i have that program.
    Thanks a lot

  12. thatboisyd insta says

    Love the new way of advertising. It's like inception for ads

  13. RaSHa _Edit says

    I want Japanese for subtitles …

  14. Raiymek De La Rose TV says

    Thank you for lessons: I have never been in class for editing i just learn from here and this is my trial video i just edited:

  15. Kartyk A says

    I tried the same from your tutorial !
    Do check this:

  16. Xx_ Łìł _ fłúžî _xX says



  17. Rico Y says


  18. Prank 360' says

    bangladashi fun

  19. Xena Kyed says

    Can you Do this in davinci resolve?? 🥰

  20. Andreas Kraus says

    well done and great explained… can't wait to copy that 👍🏻

  21. Mostfa Muhmad says

    Thanks Thanks for add arbec for video

  22. 4est says

    Subtitle? Any language from the deepest jungle but no German? That's racism 🙂

  23. Ali Mohammad says

    Final Cut Pro x plizze

  24. Baldoxxx4000 says

    my tracker always fail….

  25. Maher Rahall says

    Anyone know why my pictures are all jittery and shakey when i do this effect? I did all the steps as followed

  26. Pawaal Films says


  27. d_KRES says

    Very good video Thank you !


    "Let's hang them to the wall"

  29. Sugan Raj says

    @Cinecom.net I have a Doubt in some frames the polaroid is overlapping the person? What to don in such Cases? any clue?

  30. A.S Production says

    Is that trick possible in android

  31. eso says

    It is not able to clic the button of create camera, what can i do?

  32. Muhammad Adnan says

    Great work

  33. Gaming With Prince says


  34. kingsufian07 says

    Omg… i love your channel more 🙂 HGGGGGGGGG. Gonna try this 🙂

  35. Best official says

    wow you are perfect

  36. Ahmed Mandour says

    Can you offer the source file so we can try on it

  37. Razvan Jijie says

    Guys, I need some help… My polaroids keep moving, they don't stay still like in the video and I don't know why

  38. soso fast_ plz come down, i am a asian. so plz

  39. BLUE MAGIC says

    Camera traking not working

  40. Vitória Souza says

    Mds, cadê os BR?!
    Ótimo vídeo cara, de verdade muito fod*

  41. herr crep says

    Cinecom thanks for sharing this cool effects. Gruß aus Germany.

  42. tefik _350z says

    Thanks good videos

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