3 Things Stopping YOU from a Better Photography Business


these are such common reasons we hold ourselves from moving out small business forward. i hope this video brings you encouragement as a entrepreneur! my business podcast is now up, search ‘JOYRIDE’ on any platform to listen!


my online photography workshop


free photography contract templates:

Lens I use for all my shoots + videos:
My Favorite Portrait lens:
My zoom lens (great for weddings):
My old camera (all videos before 2017):
My favorite beginner full-frame:
My favorite bringer portrait lens ($125!):
My camera backpack:
Camera organization insert:
My big travel camera backpack:
My tripod:
My tripod head:
SD Card:
FAVORITE External Hard Drive:
Ring light I use in videos:
Soft box lights I use in videos:
Music by ninjoi. – Dreamy [Thematic Exclusive] –
disclaimer: affiliate links in this description but they don’t alter what you are paying.

Instagram —
Twitter —

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

EASY tutorials for amateur photographers. On this channel I have a different approach to photography education: break it down step-by-step, highlight humility, deliver excellent customer service, and be an encouragement to everyone involved in the photography process.

“Talent is equally distributed but opportunity is not” -Leila Janah. Build + Bloom® is my photography education non-profit, 501(c)(3) currently pending. B+B fills in the gap + provides free education to photographers across the globe. sisterxsister is a monthly meet-up group for women in creative media in 8 United States cities:

  1. AnaliciaMuaMilf says

    Does your sigma 35mm ever give you focusing issues? Mine does. It can be really frustrating. I can hear the lens trying to focus when recording video too😣

  2. Schoko Fukuda says

    Thanks so much for being so encouraging! I have a question – how do I know I'm good enough to get paid for my work? I’ve only started shooting half a year ago and I do want to pursue it as profession some day (at least part time), but 6 months shouldn’t be enough. How do I know when I’m ready?

  3. b e a u says

    why are the likes and dislikes very often turned off on your videos?
    they dont seem bad / controversial
    I don't get it

  4. To Ni says

    Ok you hit a lot of points in this video. I am guilty of everything. I love photography so much just last year I was able to admit to myself that after shooting for 6yrs as a hobbyist I want to step up and make it as a career. I am thankful for you and your channel. I have learned so much these past few days. Can't wait for more content 🇵🇭👏👏👏

  5. Noealz Photo says

    Thx for the wisdom Jessica : )

  6. ForJoy TV says

    It sucks because I am not big on IG. I don’t post consistently, I don’t use stories, it’s just not something I like doing… and it seems like most people swear by IG. I have personality and I get along with most people, I’ve worked service jobs so I’m great with speaking with clients but I don’t feel like I’m going to be successful because I don’t use social media like everyone else 😐

  7. Divineshot 314 says

    Guilty of all of these! Thank you for the motivation! 🙏🏽👊🏽📸😊

  8. EDC Gadgets says

    Branding, customer relationship and a post processing that helps your photos to stand out. These are the key factors to differenciate yourself from the crowd.
    Nowadays Aunt Mary can buy a Canon 6D + Canon 85 1.8 lens for about 800-900 euros alltogether and get professional looking shots. And technology well be more and more accessible throughout the year. You need to start putting your own ideas, vibes, relationship, because nowadays almost anyone can afford professional cameras. A camera doesnt make you a photographer. Not any more.

  9. xAmy s World says

    Hello super video❤❤

  10. Ankur Tripathi Productions says

    Yaaaaaaaas 💕



  12. Eli says

    You’re such an inspiration. You, Brandon and Kobeissi are my favs

  13. Boston Schulz says

    #1 hits home for me a lot. I hear all the time that people don't want to or can't get into the concert music industry because every band has a 'friend with a camera'. But there are still soooooo many opportunities. There is always a place for your special skillset. 💕

  14. Madison Nicole says

    Yes Jessica! KEEP THE GR8 content ROLLING

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