Portrait photography outdoor – Portrait with 6 Different Lenses
Portrait photography outdoor – Portrait with 6 Different Lenses
100-400mm F/5.6, 70-200mm F/2.8 USM II, Macro 100mm F/2.8, 85mm F/1.2, 35mm F/1.4, 16-35mm F/2.8
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Arian Mavriqi Photography
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Portrait photography outdoor – Portrait with 6 Different Lenses
What was the flash setting TTL or manual 1/4 – 1/2 etc
What defuser setup do you have?
You are really enjoyable to listen to sir ! Thank you for showing the different lenses !
Cute kid, and I agree; Spider Man is cool
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Boone Iowa USA
what light did you use for this?
Fantastic job! Congratulations!
Thank you for this video comparing 6 different lenses. Not only did it show the bokeh of each lens, but also the distance you had to be from your subject.
Wow I like your vid more than anyone else doing comparison.. it's straight forward and what i'm looking for (the picture quality).. very lovely 85mm f1.2 and the best of all, if only i can afford one
love the accent
Can the macro be used for portraits during a ceremony? Someone said It might be slow.
You are Good Photographer. I like 85mm 1.2 and 200 mm lens.
Nice Bro.
Nice job, I really liked the comparison of the shots at the end. One could get a good idea of what the lens actually can do.
un marova tu u harrnu me 50mm 1.4 edhe 85mm 1.8 , po a me tregon Zoteri: a ja vlen me investu ne Objektiv ma te shtrejt? ose, a mundem me kry pun veq me 1 objektiv psh: 24-70mm 2.8 II ? aman nimom se ne ngofsha youtubin as felget e dimnit duhna me i shit e le mo kerrin..
Small kid tight portrait isn't the best for showing the bokeh. Shooting waist portraits of adults will have fairly less bokeh and different look.
The firs Albanian(Kosovo) photographer on youtube. Thnx for sharing your experience with as. Hope your channel to be one of the biggest on youtube. ÇR

qit Tutoriale shqip se Anglisht ka Sadush
Mamir ish kan shqip
Most amazing part is how you kept him still for so long. You need to do a tutorial on that.
Great job
no viewfinder were harmed during the recording of this video ahaha
I think your channel may be helping for me. so i have done subscribed your channel, i need more behind the scene and more about photography like this. please keep this up…
The 100-400 seems to have the best bokeh in those particular examples followed by the 70-200 which surprised me. I thought the 85 would be better. At least in my opinion.
Arber, you are such a great photographer! Your work is so awesome :O
Wonderful dear brother, God bless you.