My YouTube Filming Space / Photography "Studio" Tour!


Hi guys! 🙂 A few people have asked where I film my videos and ballet projects, so I thought it would be fun to post a little tour of my filming / photography area! I’m so so thankful to have this space where I can set up my equipment and film videos. I can’t wait to share many future projects with you all this year! 🙂 Thanks for watching and being such a wonderful support! I appreciate you all! ♡ ♡ ♡

🌸 Instagram:

🌸 My Hamster Channel:

🌸 Royalty Free Music by

🌸 Royalty Free Sound Effects by

🌸 Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

🌸 About the Channel Name:
The name combines my first channel name “HoppingHammy” along with “Happily Ever After.” 🙂

🌸 Videos:
I will post Ballet & Fairytale Projects, Photography, Hauls, Collections, Beauty, Fashion, Randomness, Vlogs, & whatever else brings joy to film & share with you all!

🌸 Upload Schedule:
I prefer to create quality over quantity & don’t wish to have the constraints of a schedule.

🌸 Cameras:
Canon 60D / Canon G7xii / Sony HDR-CX500

🌸 Video / Photo Editor:
Avid Studio / Adobe Photoshop CS5

  1. HoppinglyEverAfter says

    Hi guys! 🙂 A few people have asked where I film my videos and ballet projects, so I thought it would be fun to post a little tour of my filming / photography area! I'm so so thankful to have this space where I can set up my equipment and film videos. I can't wait to share many future projects with you all this year! 🙂 Thanks for watching and being such a wonderful support! I appreciate you all! ♡ ♡ ♡

  2. Denny The Budgie says

    Do Beauty and the Beast mini film ! ♡ ♡

  3. Denny The Budgie says

    6:50 Woo! Shiny! ♡ ♡

  4. Light Heidi says

    Love the tour and storage ideas. I can’t wait for the Snow White video.

  5. Rosie L. says

    I made a place for your videos way cool room tour.

  6. Ashley Bright says

    can you make a video of some photography tips and tricks p.s i love you you are a big inspiration

  7. The Pet Cloud says

    Wow great video 🙂 It's so nice to see what other youtubers use to film in and what their filmsets look like. I barely have any space at all so this is what I aspire to have one day! xx

  8. HammyLux says

    I loved the whole tour of your filming area!!! Also I blushed a little when I saw the little trinket box I got you haha:) I would’ve never guessed you had all of that behind the curtain.. it’s like a fitting room for a play full of amazing costumes !!! I just love it 😍 also u look really cozy with your sweet pink beanie on lol 🙂 I really enjoyed this thanks for sharing with us and happy new year hh!! I can’t wait to see all the amazing videos you will make this new year !!!🎀♥️

  9. Hamsterloverss 1045 says

    Are you going to be getting a hamster? I remember the cage you built and was like “oh she doesn’t have a hamster “😂❤️

  10. Victoria Raechel says

    That’s awesome!! I wish I had my own filming area I’m always setting up and taking down my stuff 😂 your costume area looks just like a real ones you see behind the scenes in movies!!

  11. Anna L says

    Wow that looks so professional, no wonder your videos have been so great lately! (Not that they weren't great before😊)

  12. Luna Moonbaby says

    I really enjoyed this peek behind the curtain! Takes me back to my dancing days! Happy New Year! 💫🦄🌺

  13. Little Hammies says

    What an amazing space you've created. You're so organised and tidy. You have some gorgeous costumes too. Glad to see you're making use of your old hammy cage.
    And Happy new year.

  14. Lilly Hazel says

    If you can can you tell us like a place to send fan mail so I can send you my fan mail plz.🐱

  15. Carol Weldin says

    ThankYou, I feel very fortunate to literally be taken “Behind the Scenes “ !! Now when I watch future videos it will be nice to know a little of what went into them. 🤗 P.S. A very Happy n Blessed New Year 🎊

  16. Tristan Tube says

    while watching this video i was like "deja vu" really amazing setup you created and you decorated that dress/vanity room so perfectly❤ everything looks exciting i wonder what all future projects will be so exciting!!! And yes i cant believe either that i enjoyed watching those pretty colorful costumes, that warrior swords looks so real 😍😍😍. did you make that ice queen crown with glue gun?? Keep making videos you love to do. No doubt you work so hard always to make such a lovely videos. 😙🌸👌🏻

  17. Lori’s Hartland says

    So cute! Your studio is like ‘backstage’ to a play theatre or something very cute 💗

  18. HamsterBuddies says

    Happy 2018!! I love cat ears too. My closest is overflowing with costumes as well. Your masks and swords are beautiful!

  19. skinnypigs1 says

    WOW, so awesome to see all your equipment!

  20. Mikey Finger says

    It's always so satisfying to see one of your tour videos that shows us one of your spaces that you've created. You take such care and the creativity you put into everything permeates throughout, not to mention the completely, as the kids say these days, extra, attention to detail 😎✌️❤️

  21. Jackie Page says

    Thanks hopping hammy what can I say but thanks take care of yourself and your off love from Jackie and Gina bye

  22. OreO QueeN says

    Loved the video! I would like to see a bloopers video

  23. Jackie Page says

    Hello hopping hammy it's a honour for you to give me a heart thank you so much you really do great things on you tube anyway thanks a lot take care of yourself and lots of love from Jackie and Gina bye

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