Lighting Incredible Bridal Portraits in the City


Rapid Box Switch Octa-L:

Westcott Top Pro Zach Gray is one half of the photography and business coaching team, Zach & Jody. He is a master of lighting, posing, marketing, and much more.

Watch more free photography tutorials from Zach Gray:

The Rapid Box Switch is designed for use with the most popular strobes, speedlites, and monolights. With interchangeable light mount inserts and a variety of collapsible light modifiers, this is the premier softbox series that Switches with you.

See the full Rapid Box Switch lineup:

Subscribe to Westcott Lighting’s YouTube channel to see exclusive behind-the-scenes content, lighting education, and the latest gear tips from your favorite professional photographers and filmmakers.

  1. Jerry m says

    Gorgeous and I love your lighting techniques. Thanks for sharing and keep it up my friend

  2. William says

    Oh look, more talking. I can watch a bts video in another language and still figure it out because it's all visual. Put some duct tape over his mouth and film the actual model being photographed.

  3. Ahmad Danial says

    Awesome photos.. love the vid.

  4. Gary Stanzak says

    Great video Zach. We need more of these from you!

  5. Rob O says

    Westcott better get hot on making reasonably priced quick set up light modifiers and in a big hurry. Otherwise hire bankruptcy lawyers cause the days of high priced slow to put together modifiers is over. The days of any high priced modifiers are over!

  6. AG P says

    There Zach goes using his infamous filter set up with not telling us 😏

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