Briana’s Family Photo | Teen Mom 2 | MTV


Briana gets the whole family together for a portrait. Catch new episodes of Teen Mom 2 Mondays at 9/8c on MTV!

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New loves and past drama take center stage during Season 9. Kailyn experiences tumultuous relationships with the fathers of her three sons, Leah grows closer to her boyfriend Jason, Briana faces life as a single mom while she enjoys the honeymoon phase of a new romance, Chelsea celebrates the birth of her third child, and Jenelle navigates through difficult situations with her exes and David.

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  1. Tyesha Crutcher says

    Yes let him go it's not worth it Ya 1st bd came and was part of the photo shoot pictures came out great

  2. Kattelin Juanico says

    nova’s hair is beautiful 😍

  3. brad kalinowski says

    Let's be honest, you would be on welfare if it wasn't for teen mom 2.

  4. Raquel Cottingham says

    I want to see an episode of briana not with her mother and her sister really don't have a life of her own

  5. biatch biatch says

    That sister is always miserable and spends her time sitting on brianas settee hope she has a job.

  6. B G says

    Imagine having a baby with Javi. Boiiiii. Thank god. Cute photos though & it's nice that they're all nice with Novas dad now.

  7. Ashley Packer says

    Nova needs to be a model

  8. Maurice Conner says

    The kids are so cute but the grandma ,mom,and sister are 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

  9. Count Ogle says

    Am sorry Bri, you carried these babies but Nova looks just like Devoin, and Stella looks just like Roxanne! 😋

  10. Jennifer Graham says

    Ok Nova and Devoin belong in a fashion catalog. They look beautiful in pictures.

  11. Jessica rivera says

    I’m so happy Devion has changed 😊❤️🥰 he’s grown up and is being a good dad. Just wish that Luis would have stepped up with Stella 😞😞

  12. gogogadgetabby says

    From these pictures you wouldn't even know that everyone (except the babies) are literal trash.

  13. Steph anie says

    I understand picking a wasteman at 16 and I'm glad he's stepping up now but omg Briana how did you manage to pick luis what a waste of oxygen he is!!

  14. Araceli Aguirre says

    Does anyone know what type of camera the photographer was using? Lol all I saw a Nikon

  15. Jessica Zepeda says

    This Family is my Fav in teen mom show period so Real.

  16. Teinysha Patterson says

    He’s a hopeless father!! The little one. He doesn’t deserve to be a dad.

  17. Coco Jones says

    Ms Nova you are so big and still a beauty need to be modeling 😍🌺🌷🌻

  18. Lev Z says

    I can see Nova being a model in the future

  19. Essence Bennett says

    nova could be a little child model

  20. COCOAPIE says

    You could never have a relationship with someone with a family, this involved.

  21. Victoria Welch says

    Why do they keep begging Louis to be around Stella?? He doesn't wanna be in her life and that's fine. I wouldn't even trust man around my child that didn't want to be there. Get him for child support and move on.

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