A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
amazing — you can imagine the possibilities…. all this came straight from a 2d photo.. *the one seen in the start….. imagine for example this tech on a mobile phone… and then have its lips animated with voice..(not lip synced that wouldnt happen for years)…but simple animated mouth movements — you could take a photo of your g.f have it on your phone, and when she called you could watch the single photo come to life, mouth animated whenever it detected noise…great..
LOLS … not when all of this is just done with a single 2D photo of that person which is then animated directly in a matter of minutes .. better research what this technology is before criticizing it XD
As a teenager seeing this can only make me wander as to the graphics we'll see on our kids consoles one day as we wander through the lounge, this on MGS or FF! What a future!!!!!!
how can i download the video to my device ??????
I thought this was only done on movies (example Harry Potter, The Hunger Games). I didn't think this could actually be done…
You're going to scare me off the internet.
She liked Butterflies before they were mainstream
Next up: the tentacles!!!
Press 7 for the derpiest rape face in the world.
Welcome to the uncanny valley, I'll be your guide.
As awesome as that is, it was straight up creepy seeing move the first time I saw it! XD
@hollowedsoul Me too! Especially the music!
What is she saying? And what is up with the butterfly?!?!
@MAKESENCE7 That was modeled that was a photo with animation added to it, probably crazy talk.
thats like harry potter pictures!
amazing — you can imagine the possibilities…. all this came straight from a 2d photo.. *the one seen in the start….. imagine for example this tech on a mobile phone… and then have its lips animated with voice..(not lip synced that wouldnt happen for years)…but simple animated mouth movements — you could take a photo of your g.f have it on your phone, and when she called you could watch the single photo come to life, mouth animated whenever it detected noise…great..
this will haunt my nightmares
wow cool man
@child4ever22 At first it's not. Look at the eyes.
The gay music around the end made it so much better, lol
Hats off to the programmers of this, well done
You realize that the picture at the start is of a real person, yes? Her hair did not change.
my thoughts exactly, but i still want that program
Why, hello there, uncanny valley.
How have you been?
so creepy
I like the background music, what's the title?
NES graphics looked stupid too… moron.
LOLS … not when all of this is just done with a single 2D photo of that person which is then animated directly in a matter of minutes .. better research what this technology is before criticizing it XD
Gotta get me some of dat kool-aid. Dude, your solution to the world's problems is to be an asswipe spammer? WTF
Damn it I just bought Poser 7! Am I going to have to upgrade AGAIN!??!?!!???!!
That's just scary.
Sheer awesomeness :O
uncanny valley has reached a new level.
As a teenager seeing this can only make me wander as to the graphics we'll see on our kids consoles one day as we wander through the lounge, this on MGS or FF! What a future!!!!!!
she looks scary O_O
her eyes is like a full of sh*t!
its cool but still very artificial in response!!
looks damn good. The mouth needs work though.
how the hell does this program work. yeah it would be totally awesome as id cards
it's more like the movie "Looker" check it out
she looks high
Sounds like we are pretty close to having the same technology as in the movie "Running Man". Pretty soon you won't even be able to trust video