BEFORE IT'S OUT || Transformers Studio Series (Javelin) Dropkick [Photo Pre-Review]

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This video was filmed on May 13th 2019, information and opinions judging this toy may be altered once the figure is released, take everything with a grain of salt.


Welcome to another BEFORE IT’S OUT, a series where I take a look at a figure before it’s released as a pre-review. Today’s topic is Transformers Generations Studio Series Deluxe Class Bumblebee Movie AMC Javelin Dropkick.

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#Transformers #StudioSeries

  1. Brandon McFadden says

    Probably my third most anticipated SS figure of the year, since he was one of my favorites in Bumblebee and looks accurate to his first form.

  2. Decepticon Shadows says

    if it bothers people that much about the officials not being triple changers, ToyWorld is making Dropkick and Shatter as triple changers so

  3. lyokomajor says

    Considering we have 3 different Primes and 2 (possibly 3 soon) different Megatrons, and many Bumblebees, I wouldn't be surprised if we got Dropkick and Shatter as Voyager triplechangers at some point down the line.

  4. Noah Juarez says

    I think Car Dropkick would make a good Bumblebee mold.

  5. Noah Juarez says

    I rather Dropkick and Shatter toys to be a Triple Changer.

  6. Frank17 2nd says

    I’m really excited for this figure, I really want to buy 2 car drop kicks and another helicopter one to scrap the parts together to try and make a screen accurate robot mode! Also someone made a triple changer DropKick out of LEGO lol, maybe hasbro could use the LEGO moc as reference IF they make one, or even a third party company. Which I’ve heard a rumor of a third party triple changing Shatter and DropKick

  7. Quikshot112 says

    I think you could make windcharger custom using this because pf the alt mode

  8. Soundwave Superior says

    "I like the way they pop."

  9. Gustavo Borealis says

    I'm really hyped for this one, I love his colors and I loved him in the movie

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