1. 1kin145 says

    I enjoy your tutorial, but the question is how did you get the background you used for the tutorial, is it a downloaded one or you created it yourself? if it is downloaded, please can you share the link. Thank you.

  2. Keerthi Raj says

    bhai where is that backdrop link dedho

  3. Dk Production says

    clear your voice use proper equipment

  4. Dk Production says

    very bad voice quality cant understand a thing

  5. Dk Production says

    your voice is very low in every video

  6. Desi Star Records says

    I am Learning Photoshop from you, But If you need I can help you with english. Contact me if you need any help in English

  7. shrikant tare says

    Amazing work…

  8. अthaरva Mule says

    bhai mere apni eng sudhar pehle baad mai videos daal i cant get you..

  9. Chetan Naik says

    For background google > gray-blue-spot-photography-background-backdrop

  10. Gurmeet Singh says

    so unprofessional bro…but still u got so many subscribers…

  11. shvaew says

    Horrible!! First, I can't understand you…I get English is your second language but you need to be able to speak for fluent if you are doing it in English. Second, your presentation is lacking in step by step instruction. Very frustrating and not worth my time to ask questions.

  12. Ranvir Ravi says

    please yaar

  13. Ranvir Ravi says

    bhai esa hi background kaha see download karoo

  14. abdul adri says

    kimak tambi

  15. hazim says

    where can i get the background?
    link please

  16. Am Basheer says

    Good attempt. But poor presentation. Audio is very bad. At many stages, you are not sure of what you are doing. Please improve your efforts. It will be very helpful to us. Keep it up.

  17. marc abou-jaoude says

    kumar ya humar

  18. Ralph FOTSING says

    Hi nice video. Where can i get that background?

  19. Sathwik Bhatnagar says

    sir where can i get backgroud? plz tell me

  20. Luis says

    where can I get the background?

  21. Jeet Singh says

    bro if you find it difficult to explain it in eng. y dont u speak hindi or punjabi… jst a suggetion.. 🙂

  22. Hakim Cool says

    where can i got that background??can give link to download..btw your video is awesome 😁

  23. Markovelii 45 says

    this video is the worst!

  24. diaysha moore says

    You never showed how you did the first part in the beginning the second layer .

  25. Rishi Bhattacharya says

    Can we create background video for a video being played…?

  26. siddhesh rane says

    Thanks Arun for this video.I have a question at time 11.16 sec in the video what did you do .. to get the color balance effec only on portrait..could not hear you clearly at 11.15 sec.

  27. J Chang says

    Hi, I'd like to know more on how to actually make the background, not how to change it. Could you go over the making it? Thanks

  28. GeekEngage says

    That's an amazing tutorial. I've been searching for some tutorial that could guide me to replace background without compromising on the originality. You just made it so simple and easy, thanks bro.

  29. Rajat Patel says

    i learn a lot from your tutorial but still i m suffer for perfection..i keep trying to practice n will get more precise tutorials.. thanks sir….

  30. Haki ZEHİRLİOĞLU says

    Dude, is this your image? 🙂 

  31. MthaX TV says

    good job

  32. Gokul AV says

    cant you speak a bit more louder.? can hear nothing!!!

  33. Hind Aah says


  34. DEEP LEO says

    no doubt you'r good with photo shop but you have to work on your English language 1 advice for you , whenever you made tutorial like this, first be prepare for your script write down a note  and then after make your tut's…..    

  35. Naresh Ramachandran says

    you are very talented.. I learned a lot from your videos..

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