In this video I reveal why I switched from Adobe Lightroom to Capture One Pro.


I’ve been receiving a lot of Instagram DMs lately asking about my photo editing workflow. So I decided to make a few videos to reveal my editing process and what software I use.

About two years ago I stopped using Adobe Lightroom as my primary editing software and switched to Capture One Express (for Sony). I was blown away by how much detail Capture One could extract from raw files. The colors and details were so much richer than what I was able to get in Lightroom.

There are several versions of Capture One software:
-Capture One Pro 11 (latest version)
-Capture One Pro 11 for Sony (much cheaper, only works with Sony cameras)
-Capture One Express for Sony (free, only works with Sony, doesn’t have access to all of the features)

Previously, the biggest barrier to entry for Capture One Pro was the cost (about $300 USD). But now they’ve also started offering a subscription model, so you can start using the full version of Capture One Pro for as little as $15/month.

If you’re interested in trying out Capture One, here are some links to the software. I am not affiliated with Phase One/Capture One so I receive no benefits if you go through these links.




  1. Joemer Gauiran Arellano says

    I still use paint for windows

  2. Joel Caraballo says

    the main reason I use Lightroom is because I can edit on my phone laptop and desktop. can I do this with capture one?

  3. Rolwhite says

    Pay every month again…sorry!

  4. JACKnJESUS says

    Capture one has camera profiles, and it makes a difference. Shots straight out of the camera look far better with CP1 than Lightroom. So, you are starting out with an advantage…straight from the camera. I like it.

  5. spndrp says

    The music is so annoying

  6. Aliaswave says

    your hands are distracting. its too much!

  7. Niv Adan says

    I hate LR but the LR example looks better

  8. Brian Eaves says

    I imported all of my 284K raw files, it took 20 hour. Cool. I have several fuji and Canon raw images that I applied a B&W preset to in Lightroom CC. How Can I remove that B&W Lightroom Preset so I can start fresh with a color image? I tried reseting Base Characteristics ,White Balance,exposure,curves,color editor and the raw is still rendering as B&W. Thank you

  9. Dan Waldie says

    Is C1 not destructive as Lightroom is?

  10. Hannsenberg says

    3:28 Thanks me later

  11. Unboxed Tech Reviews says

    all i care about is performance is Capture One faster?

  12. Michael Allen says

    HI Dan, thanks for the video and now its been a while just wondering if you plan a follow up. I have been using LR professionally for many years however due to frustrations with Adobe I decided to give C1 a crack, and omg once you have the learning curve sorted its a vastly superioir software suite consistently producing much better results than LR, as others have noted though, this video shows none of the superior tools of C1. ie skin tone sampling, colour correction and clarity options etc so a new video showing the better tools would be great. there is most definitely a much improved image quality processing that is not directly related to settings that needs to be seen first person, I was a big skeptic and stuck with LR for over 10 years and C1 pro is truly another level. my one complaint is my workflow is still slower than LR which I put more blame on me being stuck in my old ways hopefully it will improve. also for those who say you can get the same result with LR if you know what your doing I would suggest download the trial of C1 pro and I guarantee you will be eating your words its simply that much more powerful. cheers

  13. Pedro Medina says

    I use Luminar 3 and Capture one

  14. DreadInNY says

    Lightroom made your model more flattering

  15. Eliya Berg says

    417 $ ????? Srslyyy????

  16. Bojan Bojovic says

    So many videos about how Capture One is superior, this is just asinine. Everyone forgets that the software does nothing, it is YOU that moves the sliders and choose what and how to edit. I am getting the same results over and over with both software, because I am the one who chose which sliders to move and what to tweak.
    I use both softwares, and both are great. One is better than the other in some things and vice versa, but there is no magic in this, the software is just a tool.
    At the end, this is not a comparison between Lightroom and Capture One Pro, this only shows the same file edited twice.

  17. ouss ama says

    LIGHTROOM is best

  18. joe blow says

    lightroom edit looked better to me too

  19. Three throne Productions says

    I prefer the Lightroom version of the edit. The skin tone is way better.

  20. CFS GR.MURUGAN says

    details at shadow area on her cloth its not found in capture one why

  21. HoWilbur HoWilbur says

    Lightroom was killing me for portraits…Just looked bad…skins looked horrible…Capture One was gobs better from the very beginning…and it didn't take too long to figure out how to use most of it…except the hidden clone tool :0

  22. fool8tools says

    I honestly think it’s subject to the persons who using it.

  23. Uptown Photography says

    I don't have a problem at all with how images look in LR, it's more about performance w/my Canon 5D4. It can be very slow at times. Is there a huge performance boost in C1 with huge RAW files. Thanks….

  24. Chris Baker Photography says

    I am not sure what you are trying to compare in this video. The two images have different settings so they look different. CO is a lot warmer. I was expecting to see some difference in detail and colour rendering comparison, but this test was too simple.

  25. Henk Melching says

    Loose THE fucking music!!

  26. Icriedtoday says

    Let me try to give an answer to the question you pose in your title: BECAUSE YOU ARE A DUMBASS!!! This shitty Capture One program DOES NOT EVEN MENTION THE WORD "PIXELSHIFT" in all of it's shitty user manual "help!" Get a real program and extend your life! OH, and you are outright INSANE for actually PAYING these bastards to make our lives miserable with the non-instructional online usermanual!

  27. Dee says

    The background music is so annoying, do we listen to your voice or the music, pick one

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