1. VengeFulHemi says

    Wonderful video with explanations. You have made it less imtimidating for me and I will be watching more of your classes. Many many thanks and god bless.

  2. dodo chicago says

    The video is useful but the sound is low. I had to turn the volume very high up.

  3. Sally Cho says

    Thank you for the clear explanations along with the visuals to follow.

  4. Cheryl Harvey says

    Fantastic video – so clear and easy to understand. Excellent!

  5. Lily Delaney says

    Very clear explanation of the camera settings! Thank you.

  6. Reina Santillanes says

    Super helpful! Thank you!

  7. Angela G says

    You're an excellent teacher. Thank you!

  8. HellaDre HellaDre says

    Nothing wrong with learning as a baby while being 32.
    This video should have a couple million views at least

  9. Lashana Alexander says

    This video is amazing! You did a great job at breaking down the important parts of photography for a beginner like me. Also, you gave plenty of examples which really helped! Thanks!

  10. Hasan Mohammad Shoaib says

    Good job

  11. jjhammond1 says

    Sorry…the 'x' on the SLR shutter speed dial actually means that is the shutter speed you have to choose if you want the camera to sync (fire off) an attached flash.

  12. leatherman06 says

    Thank you this has been very helpful!

  13. Gerald Holland says

    Thank you thank you thank you so much! I’m new to photography and was looking for something that broke down the basics of photography clearly and provided visuals. This video is A++ , Please continue to share.

  14. Gracie Adelle says

    This helped so much! Thank you for the vid!

  15. Josue Cordova says

    Thanks so much for the information, I am new to the world of DSLR's and photography

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