1. sdfsadfr sdfsdf says

    Pretty please innovate 4X5 as it doesn't exist, this.. even if it did exist, it would not be affordable, and get more than 12mp on the thing eventually.

  2. Jorda n says

    At 0:53 this dumb bitch is like.. "these are the bellows" then looks at the guy to make sure she got the word right.

  3. Oockee Woockie says

    lets start shooting video on large format

  4. Jon says

    "Hi, i'm Holly! I've never seen this camera before, and now i'll show you how to use it!" lmao, what?

  5. Victor Victor says

    where did you find 4gb sd card?

  6. Bo Lorentzen says

    Love the product – but please.. this is too painful

  7. Ryder Ripps says

    Absolutely retarded

  8. Andre Friedman says

    I'd definitely shoot her, if i'd hear few more of those "so"s and "and"s

  9. Fabrice D* says

    However if you shoot 8 x 10 on film you can drum scan up to 8000 MP – not 12 MP. I can't say I understand who wouldn't see the perks of shooting film, they're getting more obvious everyday.

  10. David M says

    What's the msrp? $100,000?

  11. Kolkata Sarkar says

    Does it make any sense ?

  12. Kolkata Sarkar says

    What use ?

  13. Mike Kleinsteuber says

    Oh dear, not a great ad for their kit.

  14. wmilberry says

    So I wish I could have paid more attention to the camera, but her starting every sentence with "so" was so distracting! I'm also not a fan of receiving a demonstration from someone who admits that they've never seen what they're showing before. This is not a good way to promote this thing…

  15. Giles Clement says

    Some serious dirty old man vibes.

  16. badnews says

    …….and you can have this marvel of technology for a mere 1,876,435,76 USD – chump change for your average 1%er –

  17. Bertziethegreat says

    But does it do 4k?

  18. Art and Trees says

    Should I buy a car or buy a camera…hmm

  19. Shaunak De says

    Love the camera, and the concept. But you need a better edit to this video! I love that Polly decided to have fun with the camera also!

  20. Chris Moller says

    A hundred grand for a b&w selfie?!

  21. mauro lopesmarziano says

    hi ! please make a video about 4×5 back , 🙂 tks 🙂

  22. gregc107 says

    Nice Experiment but that this would be like carrying a dead body around on location. You really need to consider portability…

  23. LasstUnsSpielen says

    I dont get this camera. I mean, no doubt the photos are sharp and larger pixels is something good, I think, but isn't shooting 8×10 all about resolution? Not getting the resolution with this camera isn't worth the hassle nor the money.

  24. QuarkCharmed says

    Looks fantastic and very promising, hopefully it's a first step to a 100MP colour digital large format camera. Strange thing is, I couldn't find any image samples, there's only video links in the main menu of the site.

    I understand it's a niche product, that's fine, but what this niche is exactly? A large format film camera gives much greater resolution and it's the crucial point. Digital large format hair thin depth of field, but 12MP and B&W – what would I need it for (as a potential customer)?

    Basically, what would I get after having paid ~$50-100K and why would it be better than a full frame Canon or Nikon or Fuji medium which are roughly 10x cheaper? I can even buy a new Canon 5DMkIV, spoil it by removing the IR filter and only shoot B&W and it'll still be much cheaper. Canon EF 50 f1.0 is still sold second-hand and gives a very nice shallow DoF. So it's unlikely you're targeting individuals, most likely it's about big players such as movie makers.

    Very low light and low noise video might be a great application but again, B&W. Stanley Kubrick wouldn't have reshoot Barry Lyndon because it was a colour movie 🙂

  25. Rupunzel says

    Poor format size choice. 8×10 is too big for the optics that are available to cover that image circle requirement. The data sheet notes an image circle of 380mm which results in a very limited lens choices specially wide angle lenses.

    LargeSense would be FAR better off going down imager size to 5×7 or 13x18cm where a HUGE number of lenses-optics that are easily available. Know any GOOD lens that covers 8×10 remains expensive and in high demand due to the image makers creating alternative image process contact prints.

    The theory-idea-doctrine that bigger is always better is simply NOT true. Beyond the lens image circle demands, there will taking aperture requirements. camera alignment difficulties and much more. That single rail design looks very flimsy and lacks precision and rigidity. It would be better to adapt the rail system to the Standard Sinar rail system as this camera already uses a Sinar front standard. There is little of any advantage to using the "special" double dove tail rail with a modified Sinar standard. There are better Sinar front standards for a camera like this such as the Sinar P or P2 front standard which has better precision, stability, rigidity.

    Much potential specially if this become a 5×7 imager format and portable. As is, it will be a speciality product appareling to a specialty niche market. Go down one format size allows far better choices and availability of optics and greater potential for portability.

  26. Alexander Konyshev says

    in the 90's was the idea instead of a sensor to use a flatbed scanner in a large format. 🙂

  27. Cameron LAW says

    It has a cooler fan 🙂

  28. kerim jaspersen says

    Camera Porn! 🙂 I like the video and the camera looks amazing.

  29. Joshua Mcateer says

    Lol wat, it has video?

  30. Marcus Nilsson says
  31. eric moss says

    Out of curiosity, how close to 'macro' can this get? It would be interesting as a project (if not a product) to use it as a film scanner by using separate R, G, and B light sources. It would be low-res, of course, but no less so than say, a Kodak Pakon 135, and that lower resolution might actually avoid scanning artifacts like grain and dye blobs.

  32. nrws says

    Special care blonde.

  33. Mike S. says

    Am I missing something or is there not one full size sample of the output from the camera?

  34. PAPA SNARF says

    I'm going to buy one of these just to take pictures of Food and upload them to Instagram where people appreciate my crap.

  35. Paul Iştoan says

    The beginning is like one taken out of an adult movie :))
    Just listen to the first 12 seconds of the video…

  36. NimbusKhan NK says

    The first 12 seconds of audio on this, without the image, sound like a completely different kind of video.

  37. bunna tang says

    she looks fat in the selfie.

  38. huyked says

    7:44 Haha. That was cute.
    6:45 I think Holly's foxier than the fox. 🙂 Glad she did decide to take selfies. 😀

  39. Theoria Apophasis says

    real microcontrast has arrived

  40. Chris W says

    WOW I thought a 10×8 sheet film camera was big, clumbersome and awkward, but this makes them look ultra portable and I hate to think what the price of such a large limited purpose lump is on top of the massive size. Think I'll stick with film thank you.

  41. Daniel Fjäll says

    Large format with wifi. That's two words I never expected to hear in the same sentence.

  42. eric moss says

    This is fantastic, especially given that it's not being done by a bazillion dollar company that has a million customers or government contracts funding it. Where in the world do you find 75micron (!) pixels? I'm imagining some company that does have government contracts. 🙂

  43. Danny Pops says

    This is awesome, but what uses does this actually have?

  44. Robert Bieber says

    This is amazing. I didn't realize there was a screen on the back as well, will it be possible to get any kind of rudimentary control on the camera itself?

  45. agale1551 says

    начало как в среднестатистическом порнофильме

  46. Zak says

    Odd that you dont say the resolution of the sensor.

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