Photographer's First Studio Shoot | Brandon Woelfel


In this video I bring you guys along on my first time ever shooting in a studio!

RGB Led Video Light-
Profoto A1 (flash)-

We also filmed a video over on Jack’s Channel where he takes photos of me…watch it here-

Model in frame:
Cailee Rae, @Caileeraemusic

Check out Jack’s Photography:
Jack Dytrych, @Jacktdphoto

Nikon Z 7-
Nikon D850-
Nikon D750-
50mm 1.4 Lens-
35mm 1.4 Lens-
85mm 1.4 Lens-
105mm 1.4 Lens-
Rainbow Catcher-
My Vlog Camera-
Moon Lamp-
Fairy Lights-


  1. cynthia keoni says

    I always thought he was a super serious and mean guy ,I don't even know why ,till I saw this

  2. ciuhalpili glez says

    Hi, I love it Your work, I am a fan thanks for sharing, I have a question …. where do you buy your cyclorama papers?

  3. dyashmyn says

    Why so good at this? 😊😊😊
    Wanna be as good as you but first i need to buy a camera hahaha😂

  4. ronak dhoot says

    Hey can you make a video of how you make you the model skin retouch. the face looks so smooth and lit.

  5. Riley Apo says

    Liked the feather one more

  6. joshua ortiz says

    feather shoot looks awsome !!!!!

  7. Ced 15 says

    I wish I was that fortunate to have those kind of camera. 😢

  8. Kartik Halkara says

    How are ur photos so sharp
    Plz do a tutorial on how do you shoot

  9. Terry-ann Gray says

    Hey love this videooooo! Any links to where to get backdrops from?

  10. Obrean Rodriguez says

    The secoonnd! 😍

  11. 龙Simon says

    whats the color led light name? My friend

  12. Elizabeth Perron says

    Who thought that the backdrops were pool noodles at the start? Because I did

  13. Kaustav Khamrui says

    Make a video on Focusing tips

  14. Elly Masteller says

    can you please take my senior pictures i want them to look exactly how you take yours 😂❤️

  15. Jass Chantell says

    You are so good omg I love this video so much I’m an upcoming photographer

  16. Bibi Kawaki says

    does anybody know of what material those colorful backgrounds are made of?

  17. Sharp AF!!!!!😭🔥🔥🔥

  18. Emma's Little Channel says

    How did I not know that you have a yt channel 🤯🤯 honestly you inspired me so much to get into photography, I ventured into studio a while ago and I’m so glad you’re enjoying it too!!

  19. Mario Lopez says

    Awesome video!! Got the LED!! So where is the link to get your cool jeans?? Love them:)

  20. Savanna Frederick says

    You kinda sound like Shane Dawson

  21. Goo Anj says

    Enjoyed this a lot. Make more studio videos please

  22. eder hernandez says

    Where you buy your backgrounds? You are the best 🙂 take care thanks for your videos

  23. jomy10 says

    I really want an editing tutorial on how you get the skin to look like that.

  24. Carly Zheng says

    I get this RGB led video light here :

  25. Jason Koh says

    What setting did you use?

  26. Melissaysitall says

    Shoot I’m so inspired ahhh I just need to go after growing like this! So amazing Brandon!!

  27. Daniela Jerez says

    woooow so good! i love all the photos 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  28. Timothy Gabriel Abutal says

    Do you always shoot raw during this shoot?

  29. Ariel Ross says

    I will never understand how he gets the focus that fast! Brandon you are beyond!

  30. Ana Braz says

    What is the name of this paper??????/

  31. Anna Sofia says

    I love your photos! I reaaaally wish you did a video on how you edit your photos, because I'm getting started on photography and I really need to learn better how to edit! 🙂

  32. Jaskaran Singh says

    you are the only "A" list photographer who uses nikon cameras, please do a review or your experience with Nikon Z series

  33. Anna Sofia says

    I am IN LOVE with the butterfly shoot! I love studio photography!

  34. Pitsanu Karapakdee says


  35. Inat 4et0 says

    Settings pls?

  36. Ибрагим Шишани says

    Brando are you a gey?

  37. αηηεlz says

    What do you use to edit your photos? And what camera? P.S. big fan of you! Your photos are amazing!!

  38. Maria Alejandra Rivero S says

    like HOW can you be so AWESOME

  39. Pam Smith says

    I can't really choose which one I like more. I love them both for different reasons.

  40. Vaibhav Porwal says

    Please make a video on your editing process..

  41. David Gomez says

    Post more please❤️

  42. Carly Zheng says

    Buy this RGB led video light from Australia .

  43. Blessing Czeczuga says

    She is such a good model. So photogenic I don’t understand

  44. Stamatia H says

    Just got finished watching this for the 5th to make up for me being six days late to this, I love your playlist with all your videos wow we stan

  45. lututsipop says

    The butterfly shot was my favorite

  46. Ariana Dohr says

    the butterflies I was living for!

  47. bxlxgxng bxdjxx says

    u r rlly lit omfg

  48. Deepak thakur says

    It's insane I just loved it

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