One of the hardest parts of photography is visualising the final edited image. But everyone has in their pocket a phone that can massively help. In this video I share how I use my phone to shoot and edit every photo before I get my camera out.

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SIGN UP HERE to my PHOTOGRAPHY newsletter here –

Where I get my MUSIC –

All my gear (inc. clothes) is listed here –


Current landscape camera – Nikon Z7 –
Awesome telephoto lens – Nikon 70-200m f/2.8 –
Fav lens – Nikon 24-70mm Z f4 –
Great wide angle lens – Nikon 16-35mm f/4 –
Amazing Bokeh – Sigma 24mm f1.4

FUJI GEAR (Main FILM camera)

Fujifilm X-T3 –
Awesome Bokeh – Fuji XF35mm F2 –
Sharpest long zoom – Fuji 50-140mm F2.8
Killer wide angle lens – Fuji 10-24mm F4 –


Awesome sensor brush –
GorillaPod –
The great printer I use Canon P1000 –
Clever camera strap (peak design) –
Great bag for hiking – Tenba 24L –
Great bag for travel (carry on) – Tenba 32L –
Super light Benro Travel Tripod UK –
A must have for tripod (L bracket) –
Lightweight tripod – Benro Mach3 Carbon Fiber Tripod –
Paper I use for all my prints – Fotospeed – Use DANSON10 to get 10% off your paper.
Screw on ND filter –
My fav filters – (USE NIGEL10 for 10% off)

#photography #phone #landscapephotography

  1. Anthony Plancherel says

    Excellent tips as always! Thank you Nigel!

  2. barry conway says

    Couldn't find that 'long exposure' feature on my iPhone, so off I googled… "You'll need an iPhone 6S, 7, 8 or the new X and iOS11, the latest edition of the Apple mobile operating system." Confusing. Ive got the 'lve photo' feature on my SE, but not the 'long exposure' option. HTH.

  3. JP dJ says

    Humans are not born with photographic vision in their brains ready and all. We even need to learn to look (register) and see (understand). Depending on where they live, children cannot travel through traffic alone below, say, 10 years old. They need to train their brain for traffic. The magic number for learning, in general, is 10,000 times. Taking a photo (composition) with the phone is smart as it trains the brain in visualising. An approach to get to the 10,000. I promise, somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 it will start happening in your brain and you do not need that phony camera anymore.

  4. Yolkava Portfolio says

    You know how to make sense of the things we use but take for granted. Would you say it does not matter about the camera in todays times but more the editing software? Because we view our photos on a device 90% of the time.

  5. Jake Fowler says

    Pebbles is such an awesome dog!!

  6. Lori Benton says

    I use Snapseed in the main, occasionally a VSCO filter on low setting, but now I want to try out Lightroom Mobile. Thanks Nigel.

  7. Sean Bell says

    Lol, Pebbles is the star as always! Thanks Nigel for sharing your knowledge and skills.

  8. John Leftwich says

    Sorry, asked the question before you finished and gave me the answer.

  9. John Leftwich says

    Which phone editing app are you using?

  10. Paul Compton PDphotography says

    Funny I been doing this for years. And that was a muddy puddle lol

  11. Kingfisher61 says

    Very informative Nigel, Thanks 👍

  12. iPhotography Course says

    Came for the photography – stayed for the dog 🙂 (only joking) First-time viewers Nigel. We've just started our own photography channel on YouTube. We're not asking you to watch all my videos but we'd love to see what you think – drop us a comment 🙂 Speak soon

  13. Paul Martin says

    Have you ever missed the light or the conditions changed as you're going through the process with your phone?

  14. R Garlin says

    You've talked me into doing the same 👍Thanks a lot! (P.s. Gorgeous photographs, man!)

  15. Klaus Schleicher says

    Nigel, this is a very helpful advice. ATM I only use my phone for scouting and finding compositions. I never had the idea to use it during the time on location. I will give it a try! Thanks a lot.

  16. Mathis Hasse says

    amazing trick, its so simple… the People always have it with them, but they never use the good stuff , if you know what i mean 😀

    and i think YOU FORGOT ONE THING: editing on a retina Screen is much better than on desktop, you can see sharper an mooore colours. but awesome video!

    i started photography with my galaxy2, galaxy s7, huawei p20 pro and finally i got a sony a7ii 😮
    ah and edit: i used snapseed first, super awesome, than + lensdistortions, vsco and now lightroom CC, its so powerful on smartphone!
    EDIT 2: but first…. let me take a selfie! xD

  17. Marie Yau says

    Excellent video!. I didn’t know about LE on iPhone and now I’m itching to go and try it out. Thank you Nigel!

  18. Hangs4Fun says

    Been doing the same for over 2 years. Then when I got the Note9, editing on my phone was even faster thanks to the stylus and beautiful display

  19. Ray Lander says

    Your advice is exceptional, just like always in your videos; Thank you from Ray in California

  20. Divi Photos says


  21. Wayne Schumacher says

    Once again, great video. I try to snap an iPhone image at each location mostly for two reasons. One, to have a photo I can share quickly on Facebook, and secondly to have a geotag of the location for metadata in Lightroom. I'm still trying to find a good RAW camera for the iPhone, but I am still searching. Do you ever shoot RAW on the iPhone? Thanks!

  22. Karyleiana WildernesScapes says

    😂😂😂 Oh, Pebbles
    That's a nifty "live photo" long expo trick! Galaxy smartphones have "pro mode" & you can do 10sec long exposures.

  23. Another One says

    What’s the app for the long exposure?

  24. Zack Barnes says

    I use my LR mobile app to take all of my composition ideas first and then edit it to see what my white balance may need to be in camera versus waiting to get back from location with the DLSR and have a lot of editing to do.

  25. Dennis Vance says

    I use PureShot on my iPhone. Camera+ is good for better-than-average snapshots but if you pixel-peek your shot all the settings go back to Auto. PureShot has a DLSR layout and remembers your settings even if you close the app.

  26. Dennis Vance says

    this is like previsualization in moviemaking where they use inexpensive video cameras to simulate a scene before they commit cameras, sets, lights and actors to film actual production.

  27. Stefan Kuhn says

    This is what I call a useful video 😄👍🏻! Although I use my phone even with an additional camera app, I never used it systematically before taking a camera shot! And I learned today that Snapseed has much more to offer than what I use today … Isn’t this worth a video 😉?

  28. Michael Cowin says

    Thanks for this, I've used my phone for a while to help get me in the right direction when I get things back into Lightroom, never actually thought of editing "on-site" to help visualise it further.

  29. JerichoDK says

    Great video, as always 👍 I've been using the same technique to visualize my photos for the last year or so. It has greatly improved my photography, but I tend to forget it when on location🙈😂 it's really a great tool.

  30. toomuchjam says

    Its unfortunate when at the end the video links obscure the final images, but regardless, excellent film and advice, so thanks.

  31. Christian Wieseotte says

    I found myself doing the same thing from time to time, so it's nice to see it confirmed by you 😉 Also, really nice to see the phone and camera shots next to each other for comparison. Never heard of SnapSeed but the download is already running 😉

  32. Charles Welch says

    Never thought of using my iPhone for this, I used Snapseed all the time.

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