The Photography Show 2019 Special – RED35


This is a long one.

We were super pumped about The Photography Show this year and talked to a lot of people. So kick back with a snack, a drink, put your credit card in another room and enjoy the highlights of our two days at the Birmingham NEC.

However, to save you time, here is the timeline so you can skip straight to the brand you want to see (with the unedited interview footage in our playlist link at the end). 2019, bring it!!
#thephotographyshow #red35photography #olympus

Senniheiser @01:24
Zhiyun @01:47
Samyang @03:29
STC (Filter Optics) @04:54
Tom Mason @08:08
Olympus @10:25
Lomography @20:00

Day TWO @22:00
Olympus Goodie Bag @22:22
Benro @23:43
Lee Filters @25:38
Intrepid Camera @26:51
Loupedeck @28:43
Lensbaby @30:04
Epson @31:20
Drobo @33:03
Extreme Fliers (Micro Drone 4.0) @33:54
Jay Dickman @35:46
Towergate Camerasure @40:17

For full unedited interview footage, click here:

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  1. Red35 Photography says

    Grab some popcorns guys and gals 📸📸📸🤔

  2. mick cooke says

    brilliant video , thanks

  3. Mark R says

    I hope the woman from Olympus sees this and realises chewing gum is not a good look. Sad to say very distracting and unprofessional

  4. Johnathan Quinn says

    Thanks for this video Jimmy! I wasn't able to make it up to Birmingham this year due to unavoidable work commitments, but you covered a broad spectrum of companies that I would have visited for sure, so thank you. 
    A few comments on the secrecy of the Olympus rep, I'm sure if you were doing the same interview with any other company they would be the same. Just look back on the Panasonic announcement of there FF cameras… Pretty much no specs were given almost like they were pleading the 5Th Amendment :0.
    Everyone who is involved with Olympus from reps to visionaries and ambassadors are bound to confidentiality rules.. you were with the EM1X I'm sure. 

    Now, where can I get an Olympus goody bag?? 😉

  5. Trevor Ager says

    This was a very good overview of the show. You can't beat being there in person to appreciate the enormity of it.
    Highlight of the show; Meeting Jimmy Cheng!
    Sorry it was a short chat Jimmy.
    I also looked at the STC filters as they were very interesting and would be great for infrared converted cameras. I did have a try with them and found them a bit fiddly to fit. I guess I didn't have the knack.
    Two Olympus goody bags though! Really?
    I got my one and have to say that wearing the Olympus Tee shirt and cap has really improved my photography. 🙂

  6. Huw Jones says

    I think the Sennheiser dude got mixed up with receiver and transmitter, surely the receiver goes onto the camera and transmitter takes the mic?

  7. TheBlast says

    I will be looking to your colab with Ian Munro, I really like his work!

  8. Rob P says

    Phase detection for the EM5.

  9. Peter Osborne says

    Could not make it to the show this year, (bugger) but your vlog left me feeling like I had been. Thanks.

  10. Juan Alvarado says

    I have a soft spot for olympus as I currently have thr EM1 mk1 and the em10 mk 2.. They are fine cameras and i dont see upgrading any time soon, but I hate it when companies are so secrative and we dont have anything consumer friendly coming out soon. Not many people are gonna use the gimbal, the M1X is stupid expensive and huge, the 18-200 many ppl wont buy. Wtf are they doing to appeal to their loyal consumers???
    At this point panasonic is doing more…releasing the G85, G9, lenses that make sense, FF if you want that route, etc….

  11. Wish I had said hello now!

  12. Noealz Photo says

    So much stuff~

  13. Libor Krupica says

    What a waste of time with the Olympus representative. Focusing and talking about the past is a bit backwards ??? The future is important !

  14. Impostertot says

    Thanks Jim. If I PM you, will you tell me the censored bits? 🙂

  15. Ian Munro Art says

    Great stuff, really enjoyed that!

  16. John Medany says

    Playlist of interviews is showing private ?

  17. Vici Martynov says

    Whew what a marathon, absolutely fantastic. I see below most of the posts are about Olympus, even though you reviewed many new products. I must admit it touched me. People critical of their strategy of saying nothing. Well, there are two aspects to this, I suspect Olympus break news only when they have news and I think this is far better than the rubbish we get from people like Nikon with their teasers and sales stupidity when they clearly dont have a product ready anyway; that really pisses people off. However, the root of this criticism is that people dont think Olympus are delivering the goods and I think that lately they are right. Dont get me wrong, I have been an Olympus fan since the OM1 and I usually have a Mju compact about me somewhere, I love my Premium primes. But, there are limits to my tolerance. I think Olympus main products are fantastic and all the OM-D cameras up to and including OM-D EM-1 MkII are supurb. However I think the new M1X and the Pro lenses violate the spirit of MFT and suck badly. Worse the rest of the product range has suffered from their obsession in delivering this stuff. So I am split, I am a huge fan of their premium products but avoid their Pro products like plague. We will soon see if Olympus have been wise or not because fans will either buy them or not. I think they will catch a cold; a new EM-1MkIII would create a much bigger sales boost than the M1X which will be a minority purchase. So I have hopes that in this centenary year Olympus have been working their socks off to bring their premium range into line with the performance of the new Panasonics. Myself I will leave this subject here, if people want this bulky bloated equipment and are happy then Olympus will be off the hook but, from what I see around me, people are waiting for new Pen cameras, weatherproofing of premium products and new accessories; most do not have the money for the Pro range even if they like them and product sales drive new development. We shall see, end of year figures come April 1st and I think it will be a bleak year for most manufacturers. I think Full Frame will be worst hit and we may even see some companies fold; I am watching Nikon in particular as they are most at risk. I think MFT will showgrowth but I think Olympus will catch a small cold due to no new mid-range products rather than be damaged. Lets hope for the best – winks

  18. raizen82 says

    finally, olympus clip-in filter for astrophotography!!!

  19. Raphael Jan Cañete Ferraris says

    weather sealing and phase detect af for the pen F2.

  20. W. David says

    Olympus has a good camera and lens but also has the worst customer service and support for US market , their competitors did much better than them at this point

  21. orion45acp says

    I still really would like to know if the EM1mk2 can get a firmware update for some of the Em1x features like hi res hand held, nd in camera or any of the tracking features.

  22. mavfan1 says

    Why keep feeding the woman from Olympus questions about future releases when you knew she could not/would not be able to answer?

  23. Shaka says

    When is the 2X teleconverter going to go on sale? Thanks!

  24. Gerner Christensen says boring all these shows are where the interviewer knows more than the representative ….or we hear hear beeeeeeeps when things are getting hot. We look at these shows or even visit them and are left more empty handed spending time on this.

  25. t Lim says

    Whilst Olympus remain so secretive and cagey, many of it's fans and potential new buyers are migrating away to Sony, Canon and Nikon. Really sad, and I have to say, this policy is not helping it to stay "in the game". May well be the beginning of the end for Olympus. 100 years old and only just looking at the past, not the future.

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