Relaxing Music with Amazing Nature Scenery HD Video 1080p – 6 Hours


6 hours of super relaxing music with amazing nature scenery HD Video (1080p), 300 most beautiful landscapes. This video is a mix of footage recorded by LoungeV studio with some of the most relaxing music tracks from various composers listed below.

Relax Music rights belong to the following artists:

“Music for Manatees”, Relaxing Piano Music”, “Peace of mind”, “Fluidscape” by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

We also purchased the rights for the following tracks: “Dreamscape” by Silencio music and “Amazon Evening” by Bjirn Lynne

Copyright © 2011-2018
Contact us for licensing questions:

  1. Carter Wilder says

    did anybody watch this while high?

  2. لقطات أحسن من ٠ says

    سبحان الخالق الجبار العظيم الرحمن الرحيم ماك الملك جل وعلى (أشهدُ أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك 🏔🏖🏕🏞⛰

  3. Fox Bear says

    This would be more relaxing if the images weren’t sped up so much.

  4. bing liu says

    Why the scenery makes me feel so fake….😂

  5. Siddharth Jain says

    Luv these ❤️ video

  6. Diego de Lima da Silva says

    Beautiful landscapes

  7. Aryan khan says


  8. Gandubhai Radadiya says

    I love NATUR 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  9. Ayesha Chishti says

    can i take some part of your video…i will give credit to your channel in my video

  10. Ricardo Jorge says

    I do not mean to be rude, but I get amazed at some point by being seeing comments written by some people saying they are watching ads when they watch videos on Youtube. Well, I do not have these problems about those supposed ads interrupting what I can see, or, what I'll want to see. I think it's very simple. Do you use the Internet for what? Just to see or hear some content? There are solutions to this kind of question. I think there's no need to say anything else…

  11. Capt777harris says

    bullshit vid with 12 commercials…..fuck off

  12. Sandra Amidon says

    this is it

  13. Craig Schwabenbauer says

    this is it

  14. Junwoo Kim says

    자연배경 멋지네요^^

  15. Chris Dane says


  16. Chris Dane says

    ithe water is so blue

  17. Xsauce says

    Nature is beautiful when left untouched by MAN.

  18. Ingrid Akkermans says

    Betifol vidio love it thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  19. Gua Gapeduli ok? says

    I dont wanna end my life. God made this beautifull land for me 😊

  20. Wonderful piece. Stunning visuals and relaxing music. Happy that it's as long as it is. -ANRT

  21. It's Ya Girl, Jesus' Wife says

    God created the Heavens and the Earth… and even though the Lord cursed the earth after the fall of man, nature is still beautiful and brings glory to the Almighty God, JESUS.

    I love God ❤😊

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