1. Sylvia drawz says

    My quote would be…”god had a pencil, Azzy had a highlighter. God drew the world and Azzy made it brighter!”

  2. Please make a video of your yearbook ( I think you will look hella pretty)

  3. stacat48 game girl says

    Hey i love puns to i hope no one will pun-ished me XD( sorry if i made spelling mistake)

  4. Wilbert Lopez says

    Do a video if your yearbooks pic?

  5. Sarah Johnson says

    8:00 my mom always tells me that

  6. Circus Baby05 says

    my yearbook will be this:
    "i had to get up at 5 in the morning for seminary at least try to be nice to me talking to you bleach bottle" (i really shouldn't say his name so there is a replacement that is fitting)

    i don't go to seminary till high school .-,

  7. Emily Davies says

    6.58 Google is not always correct

  8. Addie says

    Yas yearbook photos!!!!

  9. Samyutha Chandar says

    When graduate and if I get a quote it would be:
    Teacher: you failed the test
    Me: you failed to educate me

  10. Katherine Thomson says

    My mom had Google but you still genius and my dad dropped out he did not have Google

  11. Renee Curtis says

    8:09 what's the first😭

  12. Life With Jozee claire says

    I love puns too so you are not the only one

  13. OOF group says

    Mine would be what's the point of falling in love when u can fall asleep

  14. Malsawm Zuali says

    Azzy -i love puns
    Me – you and jordi make a good pear

  15. Marci Anne says

    sooo… my mom over heard this.. at 7:06 and said "freaking encyclapedia, books, and dictionaries it was brutal" hahahah!!

  16. Thang Pau says

    Azzy, google doesn't give you life, God does.

  17. Gatcha Gurl says

    What's the 1st… 🤔 ohhhhhhhhh😯😯😯😯

  18. Hailey Bowling says

    My yearbook quote would have to be:

    "You are perfect just the way you are, cause you bring out a light in the darkness of this world!"

    I know I'm being cheesy

  19. Donna Russ says

    My qwote whin I do get in high school
    : Life and death are complicated it's what you do with it now what you think of it cornney yes but meaningful……

  20. Mr disco thief says

    My quote would be when life gives you lemons

  21. Lilly Esau says

    Yearbook quotes are so funny! Almost fell off the couch laughing! 😂:-)

  22. Itz_GalaxyWolf :3 says

    My year book quote: I’ve seen some b¡tches, but never one as bad as the person who decided to keep me in jail for 13 years

  23. Luke B. says

    Club penguin 🐧 is rebooted now!

  24. Sophie Joyce says

    check out why don't we

  25. The Fat Potato says

    I also cried hard at the first Pokemon Movie

  26. BIG CHUNGUS says

    My fav yearbook quote was on this girl thay posted it in twitter
    * i was always jelous of harry potter for talking to snakes but turns out i been talking to snakes this whole 2 years

  27. Crystal Angel says

    my mom didn't raised me well cause i don't now how to love….😐 so i have to pretend . yay thanks…..mom….

  28. My quote would be:
    Straight? So is spaghetti.

  29. My senior year book quote

    "when life gives you lemons, don't squeeze them they are gonna send you pain"

  30. Gamer Basma says

    My quote
    If you know how to photoshop how about photoshopping your personality lol……or
    Now I can control kids 🙂

  31. Isabella Greulich says

    My quote would be “An apple a day will keep the teacher away if you throw it hard enough

  32. Jodi BAumberger says

    Keep doing those puns

  33. Blackberry Gacha says

    waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning

    Me: finally gets it

  34. What's a yearbook?.

  35. Isabella Ockey says

    My yearbook quote will be
    "Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I reread Harry Potter. Oh wait, yes it does."

  36. Isabella Ockey says

    1:14 I don't think that's Jurassic Park. I think that's Buckbeak the hippogriff from Harry Potter.

  37. Fortnite God says

    My quote is “God is your navigator not your co-pilot

  38. Syma F says

    9:32 my hair in the morning

  39. Jolene Plater says

    Pun pun go meat sans I think u would like him!

  40. phuong tran says

    Azzy: she’s pretty

    Me:well she is but i you’re pretty too

  41. CocoBean Colours says

    Mine would be “I know I’m not tall, I know I’m not great, but I know a can beat a boy up.”

  42. It's almost been a year Azzy, still no year book

  43. Kavuri Sunitha says

    Lettuce Let us see your year Book

  44. Waffle Productions says

    The science pun one is my science teacher lol

  45. Amy Perry says

    7:46 read stone fox.

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