3 Lighting Hacks To Improve Your Photography Forever.


A Natural Lighting Tutorial To Improve Your Photography Forever.
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Shot on a Canon 1dx mark ii & EOS R
If You’ve read this far just comment something nice, and have an awesome day xx

#photography #tutorial #Lighting

  1. Dan Tonkin says

    Nice hacks man – Thanks for sharing.

  2. Marcus Bass says

    I’m watching all this I’m like, “DAMNNN” “WHAAAAAT.” Love your content!

  3. Lydia Dixon says

    Please do a tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. FastAkira says

    300.000 years ago, these hacks were called a few very basic lighting techniques.

  5. The Tik-Tok Man says

    Another gay video

  6. Jordan Jane says

    Great tips! I much prefer natural lighting over flash 👍👍👍

  7. Chris Newkirk says

    Super helpful tips! Thank you! Will share with all my friends.

  8. amerginbard says

    Clickbaits… Those are basilar infos for beginners 😕

  9. RR GG says

    Want to be a photographer. Thanks for your expert advice. You're handsome too! I mean that in a respectable way📸📸📸📸📸📸📷📷📷🎬🎬🎬📽📽📽📽🎞🎞🎞🎥🎥🎥📟📟📟📟

  10. R.J. Johnson says

    Would have taken you more seriously had your model wore clothes and not her underwear…poorly thought out.

  11. Nichole Diaz says

    ah. i’m in palm springs!

  12. Nichole Diaz says

    awesome. new subscriber

  13. Melinda Wolf says

    Very good tips! This total amateur loved it

  14. This was very informative. I wonder how I can use this with filming?? I’m always trying to improve my Certs and lightning. S.R. Ridley, #NurseYouCanTrust

  15. Sil Banuelos says

    I don’t do photography but I mess with 3d characters/VFX. Tip 2 was extremely helpful. Thank you good sir

  16. dj aa7 says

    1:30 of wasted time. Is this dude finally getting to it?

  17. sarah g.p. says

    Thanks for your great tips

  18. djucmaster says

    Who's the model?

  19. Traveling with Andrew says

    Great tips 👍

  20. Jon Scott says

    Very helpful thanks dude

  21. RAZOR'S EDGE- Thailand says

    Radial filters.

  22. Andrea Fasani says

    You really don't want to bounce the light from below the face of the model. It looks unnatural and weird. You can always use the board to reduce the direct light or bounce it from above, be creative but mind the natural light behave: sunlight comes from above!

  23. nobby styles says

    pretty useful for me. some basic principles i can keep in my head while out.

  24. Mason Wong says

    I love your video so much!! The photos in this video are incredibly sharp! Are some photos' aperture are all wide open as I noticed the depth of field? and the others which took indoor maybe around f4? I had learnt a lot from your video! thanks

  25. Scotty Zepplin says

    Photon= light. Graphy=painting. Photography is light painting. The application of light to create an image.

  26. Babetravelling says

    When r u coming to Hawaii for workshop?

  27. Motivasean says

    noice! I use the window hack on my family all the time

  28. Daniel Valdivia says

    I think you need a mic

  29. odwa ngxokela says

    this is dope

  30. Suede Williams says

    Wow $850 for a workshop? I know what business I’m gonna move over to haha.

  31. nathalie silverio says

    I need your help. Any camera that is cheap in price, has wifi but take great photos? Please please. Suggestions please 😊

  32. Paul Banasiak says

    Good simple tips

  33. df3yt says

    So you fix bad lighting by taking another photo? If I am to judge from your thumbnail…

  34. Dennis Niu says


  35. Jose Mari Victor Silayan says

    Thank you!

  36. Franz Tomandl says

    Hack #1: Doesn't make sense. You're making the key light come from below. The sun comes from below?! Looks completely off

    Hack #2 & 3: Average knowledge, isn't it?

  37. ryan wall says

    Is it just my phone screen or does the second supposedly improved picture in his thumbnail actually look very over exposed?? The shadows are lifted too much too and feels like it has no texture 🤔 haven't watched the video yet though so could be proved wrong, I just preferred the before

  38. any Sang says

    Came here cause of the girls attractive eyes

  39. MIM says

    Just curious is there a school that tells 99% of all Youtubers to start with what's up guys?

  40. Eric Johansen says

    Video started slow, but man did it take off with a lot of great info! Awesome video without a bunch of filler. Just useable tips for photographers.

  41. WednesdayRaven says

    Awesome tips. Hope to learn more from such knowledgeable videos 😘

  42. Meta M says

    Thank you.

  43. Kenny Erawan Tjahyadi says

    Awesome tips!!! Thanks! Subbed!

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