3 Lenses EVERY Photographer NEEDS & Why!


Today we talk about the 3 Lenses EVERY Photographer NEEDS To Own & Why!
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Shot on a Canon 1dx mark ii & EOS R
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#photography #tutorial #Filmmaking

  1. sawyerhartman says

    What is your go to lens & why?!

  2. Anish Rajah says

    Does anyone know how to get that aspect ratio?

  3. The Enthusiasm Project says

    The Sigma 24 1.4 has been my go to since December. I also recently compared the Canon 16-35 f4 and 2.8, and was surprised by how little difference there is. Either way, a 16-35 is always handy.

  4. Jesse Lane says

    Love it bro!!

  5. C O says

    the 70-200 f2.8 also does sports in low light.

  6. Jiamin Cheng says

    Spotted that AE-1 right away

  7. Eye-V says

    50mm 1.4 ?

  8. Pozdrowienia z podróży says

    100mm L IS macro

  9. Jamie Bolton says

    Can’t forget about the 85mm f1.2 L that is a beautiful lens

  10. Dale says

    Two minutes 25 seconds before he gets to the point!

  11. nils says

    1.8 Mío subscribers, 20k views… what's wrong here?

  12. TerenceEst1988 says

    Just actually got a Canon 5D MK3 with a 50mm f.1.8 , i went from a Fujifilm x100F to a classic full format Canon 😀

  13. kenzo says

    Why isn't the 16-35 in your list?

  14. Ruta Lankelyte says

    Interesting that there was no mention of a nifty fifty or the 85mm f1.4-1.8

  15. Maja Isakszon says

    My Canon ef 24-105 mmL f4 use it for everything. And my 100mm L macro f2.8
    My 17-40mm L
    And my 70-200 mm L f4. The backgrounds are very blurry .
    By the way the f2.8 is sooo ecpencive.
    I am working as a pro so I do choose the lenses for me and my clients are very happy with the results.
    I am a landscape and nature photograoher. I get the results I want. With the f4 lenses I have. Not everyone needs an f2.8 lens. And not everyone is as rich as you are. Good lenses thou.
    F4 does the jobb just as well as the f2.8. Only a nicer price.

  16. Peter Kay says

    Got 16-35, 24-70 and the 70-200 all 2.8. 2 where bought 2nd hand and 1 was reduced due to shop use it had been a demo hobby.

  17. Andrew Collins says

    First off asking others for their opinion is a huge mistake in my opinion. you ask 10 people the same question each person is going to say 10 different things and you may get half of them agreeing on 1 lens but then you may get all ten not agreeing on none. Keep track of your photos and when you upload them to your computer group the photos by type and then keep track of which focal length each photo is and then what ever focal length is the most of ranked from 1 to 3 from most used to least owned and there are your answers. buy the kit lenses that come with the camera like i did with my canon 80d which was a 18-55 and a 75-300. my main focal length was a 50, 250, so id buy the 50 mil right out of gate as well as a lens that is close to a 250 if not then id just buy a lens that maxs out at 250. So do yourself a favor everyone do your homework and keep track of the focal lens yourself and you will have the answers. and if your trying to look to buy just the body and then buy lenses seperatly and your getting your first camera buy a kit bundle. and keep track of your photos and in the info of each photo you will see the focal length write them down and what ever one has the most focal lenses those are the ones you may need to buy. its what im planning on doing. plus it takes out the factor of needing to ask others which lenses they think YOU may need. how about looking at your photos and the information of the picture which you took that shows you what you think you may need.

  18. Remsanga says

    So i bought a canon 50mm for my 1300d few months back. My images are sharp but too cropped in. So when he says 22mm is for crop sensors ( equivalent to 35mm from his video) is that the lense i should've bought? no crop?

  19. venom5809 says

    Definitely think a 16-35mm is a necessity.

  20. Ames says

    What about nikon's 70-300mm vr lens ??

  21. Cruz Noah says

    They don’t call em holy trinity for no reason

  22. mrbetlog123 says

    My lens lineup – 16-35 covers the 35mm range w/ wide angle shots (no need for go pro). 85 1.8 portrait and b-roll. 70-200 f4 for landscape zoom.

  23. Rajeev Kamalasanan says

    Awesome video

  24. Rajeev Kamalasanan says

    Awesome video

  25. KC Hose says

    0:40 talk about putting your eggs in one basket…

  26. 15Y4A LIN YUN HENG says

    Have exactly all 3 lenses of the same focal range!!! Nice agree with u

  27. Pubudu Dias says

    16-35mm That is way better than 24-70 for landscapes

  28. Malenky says

    Starts at 1:45

  29. mohammad rafin says

    rich rich rich

  30. Michael Graham says

    I think if any other lense should have had been mentioned, it would be the 1.8 50mm. Super cheao, super reliable, nice and sharp. Best bang for your buck in my opinion.

  31. Rembrandt says

    Are you reading from a paper or do you understand what you said

  32. mike turner says

    I always learn something

  33. Britt Maes says

    i got the big lens for my nikon and i'm sooooo in loveeeee all i needed tbh haha i take alot of pictures of animals and i use it all the time for that <3 good video sawyer 😀

  34. Aristo Ioannidis says

    Great update Sawyer. Spot on assessment.

  35. Roozbeh Manouchehri says

    What is the best lense for extreme close up for tiny insects which can capture all the.miniscule details sharp and cris?

  36. Street Anomaly says

    actually the human eyes are close to 40mm

  37. Eusuf Sheikh says

    What is the alternative of 70-200 mm for crop sensor camera?

  38. Totte Lundgren says

    Will guess before having watched the video. 16-35, 24-70 & 70-200?

  39. Michael Kahura says

    OMG you took so long to get to the actual video it was low key annoying


    Dude ! I love your videos man ! Thank you for all knowledge !

  41. Bryan Auer says

    Dude… no 85mm prime in the lineup wawawhat?

  42. cinepic d says

    Can you kindly suggest good lens for real estate photography & macro lens so I can see the water droplets vividly. thanks

  43. tattooedyogi says

    it would be nice to know why you choose the 35mm vs a 50mm? @sawyerhartman

  44. Mohammed Khalid says

    Can we click bugs picture with telephoto if yes how to

  45. aidan Mcphee says

    he is the first person to ever mention what us crop sensor users would need to get for these focal lengths

  46. Neil Nicholas says

    Mine got to be the 16-35 f2.8, 24-105 f4 is my in my bag in case I need more reach. Though I am contemplating getting the 70-200 range for awhile now.

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