In this weeks video, I show you 10 AMAZING CAMERA HACKS to take better images of your dog!

The video includes 10 CAMERA HACKS in 100 SECONDS. All of these tricks and tips I use to take images of my dogs, animals and even people.

All these photography hacks can be done in a DIY fashion and can instantly add another layer to the photographs you take.

If you are looking for an AWESOME way to take more creative pictures of your dog then hopefully some of these will inspire you.

If you like the video, please subscribe to my channel.

  1. Literally Shane Davis says



    I’m halfway through this video and I’m absolutely blown away, you nailed it short to the point.. I’m literally crying right now.. you just took us to the next level, we will be applying this to our instagram! Thank you sooo much 🙌🏼🐺🇺🇸

  3. Brizxy says

    How do I make my dog stay still?

  4. Abby Mook says

    Hey! Not sure if you used any images in this video for stock photography..this website I think used your photo without giving you credit..if it's stock then nevermind! Looks like your dog/chair, etc. .just wanted to give you a heads up or maybe it's stock or you posted in comments. Thanks!

  5. Matias blanco says

    how amazing thank you so much . hell my name is Matias and I have a fur son he is 9 he will be 10 in June and his name is Kenchie he I'm working hard to afford 2 different surgeries for him . and I love him so much and actually ordered a photo album from Google of photos just of my dog . I am so thankfull to have watched this. every moment spent with my baby is just worth it .

  6. John Danielle De Guzman says

    Sir can u show me how did u achieve that look. Can i see the presets? Im an aspiring pet photographer

  7. Jafeer Elsébha says

    Is that lens 50mm or 85mm?
    If not, which one is it!
    Can u advice me which one better for pet photography?

  8. jl sc says

    These aren't camera hacks, these are just tips for composition and lighting.

  9. Runner Mix says

    Awesome ideas 💡 😎👍🏽📸

  10. Rat Meats says

    These are just good photography tips in general

  11. molly axford says

    love your dog

  12. Every Dog says

    What lens have you got there?

  13. Ashleigh Hemingway-Puriri says

    such a cool video thank you for sharing 🙂

  14. Ansleigh Blaine says

    This was so helpful!

  15. Beth woodland says

    Ahh thanks for making this video 😍

  16. Lorraine Coulson says

    Great stuff! Thank you x

  17. Nina Miller says

    what camera do you use? and what editing app?

  18. Matt The Dog says

    GREAT VIDEO. Very helpful. It inspired me to make one too. Hope you don't mind me posting it here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgYx9UzVsnE

  19. Mia Treadwell says

    So helpful great job

  20. Monica Cevallos says

    This is great! Love these realistic tips and of course, the darling pooch! Also, thanks for taking the time to make this. Much appreciated. 🙂

  21. Tobias H. Reese says

    wonderful vid and photos. cheers!

  22. Susanna Proskura says

    too cute to exist!

  23. Michele Held says

    Love this video! I'm curious what lens you're using?

  24. This was brilliant!

  25. MR. SINGH says

    Really nice video but cab you tell me which camera and lens did you used

  26. Mika says

    I need a tutorial on how to get my dog to sit still

  27. Andrew Denis says

    Completely unfair– using ultimate cuteness and asking for votes… with that puppy you could have posted almost anything, and you would still get 99% upvotes

  28. Kris James says

    Great pics, you should check out Dingdogs photo competition, its fun and for a good cause http://www.dingdog.co.uk/ding-dogs-monthly-comptition/

  29. Parallel Eagle says

    Beautiful camera work

  30. Foto & Pet says

    Sensacional !


    great tips, and I love your dog!

  32. Maite CR says

    Oh my! That dog!!!!

  33. Idkgirl07 Msp says

    I'm thinking of starting a photography site of equine and just normal pet photos that I see will be taking is that a good place to start showing photos that I have taken?

  34. Stuart Watson says

    Some really cool tips. Thanks

  35. Wonder Pets NZ says

    Thank You!

  36. Chrissy Simpson says

    brilliant idea…lovely pooch 🙂

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