The Strangest Disappearances In The Bermuda Triangle


Whatโ€™s really going on in the Bermuda Triangle?


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  1. Rizchu ch says

    There is a Bermuda Triangle in my washing machine, socks come in in pairs and quite often, end up single. I have lost over 30 single socks, they have disappeared without explanation. My theory is that there is a wormhole that takes the socks to a different universe.

  2. Random Rc And Things says

    Maybe because so many people go through there and there is a bad weather then that is why it seems like so many more people died there

  3. Gerson Monroy says

    Theories like that make me sort of think twice about becoming a boogara

  4. Rylee Brei says

    I have a theory, maybe it was a portal to another world.

    Omg, I was half way and guessed that it must of been a portal!

  5. Chris Ramirez says

    Ryan: this house is haunted and makes noises
    Shane: it is a goose

  6. Orion434 says

    Christopher Columbus had seen those occurrences BEFORE entering the triangle. Lights? mist, orbs. Rough seas? a storm. Fireball? its called a "meteor" dude. USS Cyclops? sank, maybe deliberate. DC-3? Exactly, planes crash, think it had some problem with engine before. Southern District? Boats sink. The debris proves it. The Ship Unsinkable? Remember Titanic? He called the lifeguard as he had a small leak but sank before they could reach him. Flight 19? Watch "The legend of the Burmuda triange " by LEMMINO. It gives great explanations to these. (These are all assumed and may not be true. These are solvable, you know.)

  7. Sic Parvis Magna says

    People say that Atlantis was located on the Eye of the Sahara

  8. a ! says

    under the sea๐Ÿฆ€

  9. Billy X says

    The content is good until these two morons chime in and make the video unwatchable or maybe its aimed at a demographic of people with double digit IQ scores….

  10. Unknown_X_Guu says

    There is no such thing not even a conspiracy here

  11. Unknown_X_Guu says

    Sorry to say i live in the bahamas

  12. Gylyn Piรฑa says

    I take this guy more seriously now that he has a beard.

  13. Ava says

    * dramatic re- inactment

  14. Khorne Berzerker says

    There was another disappearance that goes with theory 5: the Startiger. The Startiger was a commercial airliner that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. An astronaut in the ISS reportedly saw a UFO in the area of Startiger when it disappeared and a transmission was received spelling the name Star Tiger slowly and it was very distant sounding

  15. mr memee says

    Omg it's time machine

  16. DuggardFilms says

    โ€œWeโ€™re entering white waterโ€
    Itโ€™s cum
    Forgive me

  17. Lila Barnette says

    Four words: High levels of Methane

  18. Lt James Cooper Mason says

    The area where flight 19 dissapered was over looked by a beach upon which lay a professer who would work for Nassa . He reported seeing strange craft in the area. He said the craft glowed like the sun, and he and his wife had seen strange craft which did right hand turns and could accelerate to high speeds. This man later produced the book ring makers of Saturn

  19. Dylan Slender says

    Remember when he said "we had to look under own feet"?
    Interested? Watch Ancient Aliens the hollow Earth theory

  20. WazzuP says


  21. rObLoX SaVaGE says

    Shane: hears audio of a boat being obducted
    Shane: nah man it sunk.

  22. Sean Davies says

    The white guy is annoying

  23. Rehna Firoz says

    So basically underwater Area 51

  24. Vanora Moon says

    Love the quibbling. ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Bblurre says

    Well theoretically, a small black hole could sit on earth without causing too much harm.
    It's just the odds of a black hole being on earth and nobody knowing about it are extremely unlikely

  26. Cody Raynor says

    Love the guy on the left lol

  27. Fire Rap says

    Lmao they hit a goose and nosedived into the ocean ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  28. Alexander Borden says

    wait, I've read that there's a high level of methane gas in that area coming from underwater geysers on the sea floor. The methane affects the water so ships are unable to float on it, and in the air, the methane gas can affect the instruments on a plane, leading it to crash. Is this still true or has other info popped up?

  29. Syauqi Alghazi says

    9:21 ATLANTIS……๐Ÿ˜…?

  30. Ramakrishna Rao says

    Why couldn't they just go on a submarine and try to do something ?

  31. Chase Piche says

    I could never be friends with a skeptic lol

  32. Ronnie The Fangirl says

    The Bermuda Triangle is the gate to the upside down!

    Stranger things is partially based on a true story ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚

  33. Paulo Ocampo says

    God, will the guy on the left stop interrupting and been obviously annoyed by the theories? If it is a gimmick is not cute.

  34. Max3rn says

    De music mak mi scawed

  35. LetsplayKing 672 says

    My dad was in the burmuda triangle while he was in the navy all that he said was that he saw a really weird storm.

  36. Queen _bae says

    Every other conspiracy theory besides the devil's prison lmfao

  37. Kimberley Perry says

    Why doesnt someone go out on a boat with a camera attatched to a drone and be right outside the bermuda triangle and fly the drone in the and look at the camera and see if anything happens?

  38. PlAsTiC bAg says


  39. Gacha Girl ! says

    Uh it says Bermuda Triangle and then next to it is the U.S.S Cyclops???……๐Ÿ˜‚

  40. WillxClarke says

    I once read a theory that ghosts and the spirits of people that didn't believe in ghosts

  41. Carter Hjelmstad says

    all of the dialogue and talking in between the story really makes the video less interesting..

  42. David Reyes says

    Why are they laughing at people who possibly died or something bad happened? Messed up for doing that.

  43. Griffyn Meshriy says

    can you do a unsolved mystery of the wendigo is it real.

  44. Soul Eater says

    What's more weirder is that the rescue teams didnt dissapear ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  45. Rotten Banana says

    The Bermuda triangle has hexagon shaped clouds

  46. Alfred Limukani says

    Underwater area 51 really now

  47. Celestial Mango says

    concentrated Ionized air …

  48. dragdragon23 says

    I watched other episodes from you two guys, Your too goofy on this one, I'm giving you a thumbs down!

  49. Joe Alias says

    I've heard that the area known as the burmuda triangle is filled with large pockets of methane deposits. When large amounts of methane gas rises to the top anything floating will fall into the sea meaning that any ship unlucky enough to be there are swallowed whole similar to a sinkhole on land

  50. 100. DreyYT says

    When there are ships in the Bermuda triangle left..

    Bermuda Triangle: BEGONE THOTS

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