Manny Pacquiao Knocked Out, Crew Attacks Photographer!

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Manny Pacquiao was knocked out with just one second left in the sixth round. A Getty Images photographer named Al Bello was taking photos of a knocked out Pacquiao. His team did not like this and assaulted Bello as fellow photographer Chris Cazzone snapped the action. Buboy Fernandez and Michael Koncz are being questioned.
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  1. G30 Dangerous says

    can i beat the f of this guy?

  2. Stunnamanjj says

    I heard Filipinos get mad when they splash water in there face it reminds them of there boat ride to the states.

  3. KILL FLOYD says

    This guy is a fuckin homo…I like for him to say these things about Pacquiao around Filipinos…He'll feel and see what a REAL KO feels and look like.

  4. Neng Lor says

    Stfu aint no one tryna hear you talk show the video

  5. 1969jerwin says

    Pacquiao is not much sleep due to his congress work. when he fought marquez he got sleep.

  6. فيديو اسبوعي says

    get a job man … you do not know a shit about boxing
    … سبحان الله و الحمدلله …

  7. Manny Napman Plankquiao says

    In the Philippines, a baklâ (pronounced [bɑklɑ̆]) is a male person who is exclusively attracted to men
    In modern Filipino, the term means either “effeminate man” or “homosexual….Bakla generally dress and act like women, grow their hair long, having breast implants, taking hormone pills and make other changes to look more feminine. Some go so far as to undergo sex reassignment surgery… Baklas have created a special language that they use with each other.

  8. Pete Griffin says

    hes now sponsored by nyquil haha

  9. Manny Napman Plankquiao says

    that's the filipino life style you are talking about, so its your family you are talking about BAKLA BAKLA hahaha

  10. Juan 'Roids Marquez says

    Pacquiao beat 7,986 Mexicans and only 2 Mexicans beat him:
    – Morales was suspected to be on 'roids when he beat Manny;
    – Pee Wee Marquez was convicted of drinking his & Nacho's pee plus eating Memo's magic PEDs in desperation to finally defeat Pac.

  11. H OC says

    that's not saying much when is opponent is a Mexican….

  12. Manny Napman Plankquiao says

    10 years? Marquez humiliated him at least twice, Morales beat him once, Only MEXICAN beat that FRAUDman Knocquiao. thanks to the judges Manny wasn't the shame of boxing until he licked the canvas and landed in front of his buddies the judges trying to reach for him to lift him up but he was almost DEATH. good luck next time.

  13. uscitizen says

    entire country of Mexico are you an idiot. it only took Marquez to knock his ugly ass out. let's face it pacman is over he had a nice run but pacman is done, finished, fin, the end.

  14. Samuel L Jackson says

    Pacquiao's crew apparently thought they were still in the Philipines where they probably act like mobsters everyday cause of Pac's money and being n a third world country.

  15. Ricardo Agila says

    That's right amigo. It only took the entire country of Mexico 10 years to finally beat a small Filipino thanks to Memo's magic potion.

  16. buggsquasher says

    LOL, Manny, "you got knocked the FUCK OUT!!!"

  17. readzys videos says

    hus this fella , what a tit

  18. Juan 'Roids Marquez says

    they flipped out when they found out Marquez switched from drinking his own pee to Nacho's urine.

  19. Cee1987 says

    I hate TYT sports.

  20. jadestoner says

    I'm Filipino however I found you statements correct. Whatever "misunderstanding" they had during the event shouldn't have resulted into shirt pulling and kicking. I'm not saying that the photographer wasn't at fault as well since sometimes photographers go overboard just to get that moneyshot we need. As you said, they should have just man up and take responsibility to what happened.

  21. b0x1n9f4n says

    Lol. Pac goes to sleep and the flips start flippin out.

  22. Max Hardy says


  23. Chuck Wagon says

    Wow! What a bunch of sore losers.

  24. bigjbzzl says

    Well now…This is the first I heard of this–Bet your right-arm–Had Mayweather's Corner done something like this—It would be world news, & take months for the story to not be talked about in mainstream media. Of course there would be 'public' charges brought against Mayweather & his camp. smh!!!

  25. Diego Escobar says

    Fat mother fucker no more meal tickets no more Burger King or McDonalds

  26. GhettoTilliDae says

    haha it looks like everyone wants to woop his ass

  27. Juan 'Roids Marquez says

    Well, can't blame Buboy and M. Koncz….
    They saw videos of Mongoloid Cotto sleeping with this fat boy, supposedly Cotto's best friend or love toy or both, and they wanted to show Cotto how to be a man…. to be in attack mode anytime, anywhere… Buboy was simply showing Cotto that he needs to stop believing that he's Michael Jackson.

  28. rtc7788 says

    Ok I don't think photographers are allowed to jump up into the ring and take photographs. It looked like this guy was trying to, before he was pushed out.

  29. Michael X says


  30. freckle facci says

    This guy looks like pete townsend and screech made a baby!

  31. Diego Escobar says

    Por photographer he was doing his job that fat mother fucker buboy knows no more meal tickets no more Burger King or McDonalds fat mother fucker

  32. VDODSON100 says

    Whatup Screech

  33. Boy Barurot says

    The photographer was caught drinking Marquez & Nacho's pee earlier in the fight.
    Buboy was only protecting Johnny 'Schwarzegger' Marquez's liquid power.

    @ Mario Pizone,
    Did a Pacroid or a Pactard or Juan 'Roids Marquez get ur mom pregnant?
    Ask her about her recent abortion.

  34. 323 2jz says

    juan roids marquez<—your so lame u made an account with that name-how stupid can u get-like i said ur so fucken butt-hurt u cant get over it-all u do is talk retarded shit no one cares-go shoot yourself idiot or, jump off a bridge-KARMA IS A BITCH!i bet your a virgin too!your in every vid making yourself look retarded-go out and get a job be all u can be!5 years from now u will still be talking ashit about marquez cheated-STF-UP ENOUGH!SOMEBODY PLEASE SLAP THIS MOTHA FUCKER!STUPID PACTARD!

  35. 323 2jz says

    juan roids marquez<—your so lame u made an account with that name-how stupid can u get-like i said ur so fucken butt-hurt u cant get over it-all u do is talk retarded shit no one cares-go shoot yourself idiot or, jump off a bridge-KARMA IS A BITCH!i bet your a virgin too!your in every vid making yourself look retarded-go out and get a job be all u can be!5 years from now u will still be talking ashit about marquez cheated-STF-UP ENOUGH!SOMEBODY PLEASE SLAP THIS MOTHA FUCKER!STUPID PACTARD!

  36. 323 2jz says

    juan roids marquez<—your so lame u made an account with that name-how stupid can u get-like i said ur so fucken butt-hurt u cant get over it-all u do is talk retarded shit no one cares-go shoot yourself idiot or, jump off a bridge-KARMA IS A BITCH!i bet your a virgin too!your in every vid making yourself look retarded-go out and get a job be all u can be!5 years from now u will still be talking ashit about marquez cheated-STF-UP ENOUGH!SOMEBODY PLEASE SLAP THIS MOTHA FUCKER!STUPID PACTARD!

  37. FightersOfMexico says

    Stupid dirty plips have no class. Then they cry like like the little midgets that they are when the Argentinian fans start beating them in the casimiro fight. Fucking cry babies

  38. Rico Papi Puerto says

    C'mon guys, don't blame Buboy Fernandez for what he did. He was jus a little frustrated, becuase he's used to getting woken up by Manny Tranny Pacroids with a nice wet finger twirl up his butthole. Now that Pacman is consatantly sleeping he can't wake Buboy up in this manner. I heard that Freddie Roach is constantly trying to wake Manny up with wet finger twirls that was once used on Buboy, but Manny's butt cheecks are so rock solid hard due to steroids that he can't even get one centimeter in.

  39. Tryresa-916 says

    Not news worthy. Never was even when it came out. Fantasy news reporting at its worst. And i thought fox 40 was horrible

  40. jose villegas says

    Mexicans are know for boxing its in our blood to fight and to KO EVERYONE ELSE

  41. Michael Tiggy says

    2:47 lol he said doo- doo *giggles*

  42. JUSTME543212345 says

    what makes it more intense is the old man reaching out to manny lol

  43. Juan 'Roids Marquez says

    Pacquiao's crew attacked the photographer who got their Mexican maid pregnant. They should be commended for sticking up for Mexican housemaids.

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