How to Draw a 3D Ladder – Trick Art For Kids


How to draw a 3D ladder optical illusion. Trick art for kids.

Materials used: 110lb cardstock, Grey Bic Marking Pen, Black Sharpie Pen



5 Cents Back by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

  1. Jonathan Harris says

    My Optical Illusion Book on Amazon:

  2. vanshika sharma says

    Sala kutta Jimena pagal nahi hai ham

  3. lina mandavi says

    Nick I like this drawing you can Make 3d avengers

  4. Andreas Vau says


  5. Gustavo Rodriguez says

    I just held my breath until the video was done

  6. Romina Ciapessoni says

    Whaaaatttt that's so crazy! 😳

  7. savage panda says

    Really cool man honestly loved it and that is a thing I have done before. It was something similar to this at least. Can you do one of those things where you draw an orange looking like it's real, but it's a drawing those are really interesting. I also want to know how it's done.

  8. Taylor Jackson says


  9. MyRebornsAndMe 4Ever says


  10. Drake TheKid says

    I hope you die

  11. Fluffy The Guineapig says

    Bold of you to assume I can draw lines

  12. Johny Doe says


  13. Incredible that's Amazing says

    And welcome to the simulation

  14. Incredible that's Amazing says

    Ohhh heeeeelllll yeaaa

  15. Earthworm Sally says


  16. 780 D says

    How do u fold the paper make a seperate video

  17. BluYu says

    How to draw straight lines: Begin drawing at the age of two. It worked for me.

  18. AnaLu chanS2 says

    Mai godi

  19. Pranksterr says

    Let's be real tho, some of the horizontal lines were lackin. I'm jus sayin

  20. Joshua Dilien says


  21. Big bi Hoqbq1 says


  22. 神 スプラの says


  23. Victor Zvezintsev says

    это возможно только с применением оптики..фокусирование..строго с одной точки..просто глаз это не воспринемает..наклонил голову и ХРЕНЬ

  24. 年 七 says


  25. RYO CORE says


  26. Seeni Mohamed says

    Is it just me or does i t look the Renault car sign thingy?

  27. Owen M says

    This literally gave me hep c

  28. Skid1288 says

    When moving the cam… looks like a ps1 game with clipping 3D Textures

  29. frikky99 says

    The song sounds suspiciously like nickelback…

  30. Carolina Isamit says

    No Funciona es efecto de cámara !!no crean 😡😡

  31. Slach M M says

    U had to say for kids ..

  32. Hashim Adeel khan says

    Me: Why is this getting so much attention, it's just a 3d drawing…?

    guy draws straight line without ruler


  33. Zanat Bastimieva says

    Классно! Надо попробовать.

  34. Elitedevil says

    "for kids"

  35. simona petrylaitė says

    it looks like its broken

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