Crime Scene Cleaners | Real Life CSI


When a life ends in the worst possible way, and after the police and coroner have left, someone still has to clean up.
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#NationalGeographic #CrimeScene #RealLifeCSI

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Crime Scene Cleaners | Real Life CSI

National Geographic

  1. Terri Rickert says

    I thought it was a legal requirement to have someone that Licensed to clean crime/suicide scenes because of the dangerous hazardous. — Biohazards Waste and the correct disposal of all damage items . As the cleaning of crime scenes are an extremely specialised job including the disposal of ALL damaged items from blood, tissue ect.

  2. Samuel Jones says

    I want to meet who cleaned up the house that Kurt Cobain died in.

  3. Gracie Winford says

    Bruh I can't even clean up a dead spider I see in my room, so I can't even imagine cleaning a scene like that.

  4. Tia Matthews says

    Why are they cleaning evidence

  5. Katlyn Nichols says

    If someone died or anything like that in my house I would not still be tjere

  6. Caramel Yummy says

    Aw. I love that people do this!
    This is awesome

  7. Sydney Brooke says

    3:26 I like how the narrator was talking about transporting bodies when they we’re moving cookies from the cookie sheet

  8. Axolotl Animates says

    Why is it strange that I want to do this ;-;

  9. Eva Corn says

    Sooo…you here for YouTube recommendations?

  10. ceceoo3 says

    Oh Lord why am I watching this

  11. infiscope Sonic says

    That was 10 years after I was born cus I was born sep 2

  12. Mrs Peppermint says

    1:47 When you get a surprise period during night

  13. Chad S says

    They can whipe away a crime faster than Hillary Clinton

  14. Chad S says

    Why cut the mattress when your just gonna haul it away?

  15. Laura Llama says

    Check out the movie, “Sunshine Cleaning .”

  16. TTG Mook says

    Did it say how he killed his self

  17. Gilbert Juarez says

    This woman is amazing tons of respect but she should give her stove a good cleaning too at 3:51 lol but respect to her 👍🏼👍🏼

  18. Desiree SM says

    What I watch at 3 am.

  19. never mind says

    Oh Louise, your teeth are hideous.

  20. tea sis says

    Don't worry, that blood in the thumbnail is period blood.

  21. Selena Jones says

    I couldn't do this I'd have nightmares

  22. Aye_ LilyPie says


    Can't the criminals do it theirselves :T

  23. Klassykassy8682 says

    Bless her heart…

  24. Midwest 651612 says

    Plot twist Louis is a serial killer

  25. Floral Flowers10 says

    See, I couldn't do that my mom still has to find my stuff, how the heck am I gonna find a tiny peice of skull?

  26. Virgilijus J says

    What is the salary,I want this job?

  27. Cici Bracken says

    My neighbor is retired from the FBI and was in the homicide division and she has PTSD from all the horrible things she saw

  28. Doodle dragons Toucans says

    :O :0 😮 :() :c :d

  29. Cyn La Texan xO says

    I was watching music videos and then seen this in my recommendations.. But why YouTube. 👀🤷

  30. MayaPaya says

    looks like someone got a period explosion

  31. That one Weird person says

    the thumbnail is me on my period

  32. You Tube says

    How tf is that funny 2:40

  33. Clorox Bleach says

    These people must have a fun time in Baltimore I bet they are called often

  34. the SUBMARINES says

    I saw this movie on Netflix

  35. K. A says

    My stepdad was a tow truck driver and he’s seen some pretty bad stuff. Bad car accidents where the driver or passengers or even kids were dead. Stories every night

  36. Dwi Cahyani Putri says

    Dinner reservation

  37. LoanLeaf says

    Uhhhh idk why I'm watching this but this is sad.

  38. xoxo xoxo says

    Me when I'm on my period

  39. jdydhbdg jxjdbzidbdv says

    my mom used to do this

  40. Austrian Bish says

    Interesting job, there are multiple ways to gain money.
    I'm not going to judge that.

  41. Jessi Benitez says

    my dad stabbed my mom in the kitchen and blood was EVERYWHERE!!!!! i live in an apartment so i was lucky the landlord cleaned it for me so i didnt have to clean it myself but the cops just came took the knife and just left…

  42. XxGachaMellow xX says

    2:41 T E E T H

  43. Anne’s Vlogs says

    I wouldn’t be able to do this job

  44. Gabriela Lauren says

    YouTube, what’s sup dude? Why was this in my recommended?

  45. XxwafflesxXgacha Gacha says

    So if I kill someone I can clean it up how lovely thanks for the Advice :)))))

  46. Axria says

    I'd do this job

  47. Emma Duh says

    wait this is 2010. but i’m watching in 2037.

  48. Sarah Barnes says

    I was born in 2010!!!!!!!😐😐😐

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