1. Cláudio Dos Santos says

    Where is the poverty?

  2. Lawrence Chew says

    Were I that poor I wouldn't bring kids into the world – I wouldn't be able to look them in the eyes and tell them why we are poor.

  3. charlotte quillen says

    this is great. visible proof and conformation the system is working beyond comprehension. monumental strides that have now been achieved in eliminating the middle- class have been astonishingly completed, making any goals or dreams impossible to reach for the masses. other humans walk carelessly by showing their callousness, lack of human compassion and self-centered nature as planned….and add to this impossible situation, of the marriage, family, and the relationships between men and women that have now, long since been destroyed…mix in a massive opiate crisis that is now killing over 5000 a month too for added punch…. the laughable dreams of health and happiness and prosperity that teased generations for decades, now rubs salt in their open wounds of deception….smash after smashing victories the dark side experiences now, with the network coverage of the staged event like it was the super bowl, complete with false-concern and a conveyed concerned sadness effect for added realism the zombies will devour and consume…the people cry in anguish over their unrecoverable losses….while the tyrants celebrate thrilling victories of conquest and world domination….just depends which team your on…. as to how its viewed.

  4. Nishant Patar says

    America is very sick nation and American are very ignorant people. While all this ignorant peoples put sick comment in all internet and putting jock on other nation and race but forget there own.

  5. Natalie Williams says

    50 Million of my brothers and sisters . . . how can we allow these Robber Barons running our government to continue to get fat off of us when so many of us are hurting?

  6. John Negrepont says

    How can the Democrats fork out a 10 billion "investment" handout to
    Mexico and Central America when we have poverty like this in our own

  7. Andrew Colvin says

    The real fruits of capitalism are masked by shinny distractions. Underneath the alleged benefits of capitalism are millions living in poverty, made poorer by their circumstances, never to escape the endless misery—all while multi-billionaires fly jets, drive yachts, and produce our glitzy media to distract the masses from the desperate reality they face.

  8. will is me says

    Ok none of this is bad. I live in the deep south Idk why you're not showing the bad stuff. It gets way the hell worse

  9. m d says

    This is how the majority live in louisiana…feels like I'm living in a 3rd world country….and I'm too poor to move

  10. Theresa F says

    Great job, Steve. You are making a contribution. Opening people's eyes to reality.

  11. Moth says

    FOH nigga

  12. NC Styles says

    You call that poverty? Go to Africa and South America. That’s real poverty! The USA poverty will be considered middle class in other countries. All thanks to the tax payers!

  13. mary shaffer says

    50 million poor out of 350 million? Wow, why do we need more illegals?

  14. coupleofbeers31 says

    There is worse poverty in the US than this. Just go to Liberty City or Opa-Locka in Miami, FL. It's 300 times worse than what you see here.

  15. jade foshee says

    he is making some people see what they don't want to see and opening their eyes to what poverty is about. a lot of people don't know.

  16. James ogfhn says

    Poverty in the US is like middle class or upper class in other countries. Shit 24/7 electricity, water and free money… 3rd world countries would die for that.

    I'm not saying that this is ANYWAY to live, poverty disgusts me, but you always have to look at the positive side of things.

  17. louis stevens says

    simple,,,people should not have kids

  18. Kathleen Phillips says

    "i want poverty to have a place at the table…" steve liss
    "and you will always eat at my table." king david, 2 samuel 9:7
    the apple is rotten, says the one who has eaten…let me see, says the hungry child…african proverb

  19. AtheismTheNewGimmick says

    We are an Israeli plantation, we sow and they reap what we sow.

  20. caleb88scott says

    my town has been completely taken over by meth and poverty but i love it. i go around taking pics of all the abanoned buildings like my first apartment has been abandoned and me and my frends made a club house theyre its so pimp. i love abandoned places

  21. Johnny Bash says

    The proof is in the pudding. Every person in that family except the daughter is obese, especially the father. So what I would like you to do, without saying the "F" word, simply explain to me how eating 500 dollars worth of food every month wouldn't have an effect on this.

  22. Felicia Follum says

    I have a body of artwork dealing with poverty on the Indian reservations in South Dakota. I plan to upload a video about it in a bit. I kinda want to create a video talking about the reservatiosn and Haiti. Similarities and differnces. I completely support aid in both. Thanks for sharing this.

  23. Justin MZ says

    You ever watch those donation commercials on tv, native children starving with nothing to eat? Its a never ending cycle. Those kids,(the ones who live anyway) they growup and do the same damn thing, have plenty of babies they cant take care of. And it happens here too, only difference is the American version are spoiled now adays and im not saying that is wrong, it has to be done. I'm saying the parents are wrong for doing it. And I SEEN IT with my own eyes Mrs. Know it all bitch

  24. Deacon Rogers says

    That make absolutely no fucking sense!!!

  25. Boonie Lara says

    The ignorance is impressive!! For those of you blaming the poor, take a good look at corporate welfare if you want to see the real welfare queens. Stop drinking the kool-aid.

  26. Eric Marr says

    Why is this country full of denial about it error yet proud? Skeptical Acceptance lives invisible under nothing selection

  27. Eric Marr says

    Y'all gave up god 4 man

  28. Rich people still need more tax cuts… it is obviously not trickling down fast enough!!!

  29. Justin MZ says

    This really is rediculous. I wentdown south to Mississippi and saw poor black women without husbands, who have 12-15 kids. The more kids they have the more money they receive from the government. There the ones destroying the economy

  30. uttaradit2 says

    Like the bible says: Help each other – not screw each other! Sooner or later everyone needs some ones help……even you.

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