GoPro Awards: On a Rocket Launch to Space


On November 6th, 2015 UP Aerospace Inc. launched the 20-foot (6 meter) tall SL-10 rocket into near-space. The mission: deploy the Maraia Capsule testing the aerodynamics and stability of the payload on re-entry to the atmosphere. The rocket reached an altitude of 396,000ft (120,700 meters) and speeds up to Mach 5.5 (3800mph or 6115km/h) at engine burnout.

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  1. Israel Ferrell says

    Yo that eart looks flat like so flat i didnt see no roundness. Earth looks like one of j lo butt cheeks round as a mf.

  2. Fake

  3. Johnnie Baker says

    You can tell this is fake AF.. why did it come to a sudden stop.. then switch shots??🤔🤔

  4. Wilman Ortiz says

    Nice CGI (Computer-generated imagery) 1:05

  5. Amanda Lima says

    Cara tâ muito irrealista

  6. Mar Dani Mars Khoiril says

    86 86

  7. Mar Dani Mars Khoiril says


  8. Horusleo says

    The fuel runs out, or collides with something much harder, or the rarefied gases in that place turn off the engine. It is an impact what this video shows, with the dome ??? go pro cameras distort reality, should disappear.

  9. Lost Revelation says

    A Flat Earther walks into a bar……

  10. Terri Becker says

    Proof the earth is flat!

  11. Samil101 says

    They just will not stop lying lol I can't

  12. Daniel M Connolly says

    Next time use infrared filters that show the real flat earth. The fisheye lense thing is getting old.

  13. Jason Lancaster says

    I guess the earth's not flat

  14. Eng. EAR JR says

    Good fish eye.

  15. Rilsee says


  16. Bruce lee's grandson says

    Fish eye lense

  17. yescho mu'alam says

    FE said: it's just CGI

  18. Radwan Qassim says

    Fish nose because its exaggeratedly curve ,flat and concave. Bad job

  19. Lennox Fraser says

    So they pretty much have the tech and engineers..who develop graphics at this level…when does the game drop?……oh and for what system…hopefully PlayStation…

  20. Aramo R says

    fake fake fake

  21. И все таки Земля плоская

  22. Md. Nazrul Islam says


  23. fais pride says

    No air how dos eat food how food reach stomatch

  24. William Reed says


  25. Vegas Flatout says

    Gee look at 2.20. The round earth inverts. Suckers believe the round earth shit. It’s just fish eye lenses. Flat horizon.

  26. Daiwang Lowang says


  27. trunk says

    Whats really amazing is how none of the cameras melted,,,yeah go pro..sure..traveling at supersonic speeds would have melted those cameras…of course that would happend in reality. Not fake shit .

  28. trunk says

    This is the biggest crap ever. I can't believe people still fall for,this shit..Its amazing how the temperature drops from 34° to minus -76° degrees in a instant. Get the hell out of here. Oh in the video right at 58 seconds you can clearly see the rocket hitting the dome ""firmanent"". Rockets don't stop at an instant nor do they slow down especially at that altitude from almost 4,000 mph down to 1,200 mph…Seriously with that momentum at that altitude with the rocket thrust turned off you will still be hauling ass. Your not going to slow a couple thousand mph in a couple of seconds…Does anyone have any common sense???

  29. Anthony Rodriguez says

    1:56 why does the earth bend the other way lol 😂😂 explain it

  30. Sekula Music says


  31. DEDUARDO 3D says

    Get out the eye fish

  32. DEDUARDO 3D says

    Quiten el ojo de pez maldita sea

  33. CYBERMIK4056 says

    Good computer simulation

  34. funkmasterjee says

    Flat earth Society – " There are FlatEarthers all around the world "

  35. Charon says

    Fake ! Earth is plane

  36. D3ath Assuance says

    It doesn't get much phonier than that

  37. Ashok Saini says

    This video is fake the earth is flat , please don't fool people

  38. Where are flat earthers at

    Also whats the point of this besides creating more space junks

  39. Minh Đức Vlog says

    Please fix the GoPro Hero 7 black !

  40. У нас так в 50х баловались … причем прям с территории гулага .. ну где человеческая жизнь вообще ничего не стоила …ну вы поняли .. не то что у них там

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