A must see video for all pregnant women

Pregnancy is one of the most magical experiences any woman can go through but it goes without saying that all pregnant girls might encounter a few things that are odd.

– Unexpected cravings and a weird combination of foods is something that most pregnant women experience. The might want to eat Nutella and tomatoes.
– Not being able to bend down to pick up things
– People constantly wanting to rub your belly
– The unexpected weight gain that you go from 11 to 15 pounds within a day.
– The constant need to visit the toilet every 5 minutes
– Having trouble getting a few minutes to yourself
– The habit of tidying up more than 100 times a day

0:15 – Funny Pregnancy
3:26 – Bring pregnant means
5:17 – Problems every mom can relate to
5:56 – Not being able to get a break
6:48 – Always carrying a huge bag
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  1. 5-Minute Crafts GIRLY says

    Hey girls, how many kids would you like to have? πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ What being mom means 5:23

    Creative DIYs from everyday things > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFyRW4-AQS0

  2. Gabriel Mateo says

    Being pregnant means eating on the sofa cool

  3. Scarlett Rose says

    The way she bends down

  4. ItzMeeraa says

    If anyone touched my baby belly I would scream at them and tell them β€œSTOP TOUCHING MY BELLY WOULD YOU LIKE ANYONE COME UP TO YOU AND TOUCH YOUR BELLY WITHOUT PERMISSION?!?!?” And if they touch it again I would touch their bellies until they get sick of it

  5. Fatema Huzefa says

    Very nice if a kid watches is it ok very nice

  6. Randy Cooper says

    Good job

  7. Elisa Rottini says

    Mia zia era incinta di un maschio che si chiamava Lorenzo ma poi la perso

  8. Hello Sunshine says

    Are they pregnant r nahh

  9. Rose Martinez says

    I want to broke up with him

  10. Oof Oof says

    Does anyone else wonder if these people are ACTUALLY pregnant??

  11. Kawsar 5800 says

    ঢালার ΰ¦ͺুঀ sax

  12. Zikra Ahmad says

    Is pregnant in real . First girl ??

  13. alecz biscarra says

    7:10 sweet

  14. Sopian rismana says


  15. Patricia Ramirez says


  16. Abdi Guled says

    Random person reading this comment god bless you β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’•πŸ’•

  17. conasse88 says

    Superb video! It assisted me a lot!

    Significant Video!I really love it! It helped me a lot!

  18. Internet InfoMedia says

    Great video! It assisted me a lot!

    Splendid Video!I really love it! It assisted me a lot!

  19. Ava and friends says

    Is the first girl actually pregnant 🀰

  20. Sawe For says

    Like ?

  21. Patsy Lomax says

    My mommy was pregnant and was jue on the 22nd of may 2019 but now she came out on the 27th of May 2019

  22. _itsAbby_ 25 says

    I just have birth

  23. denni herinta sihaloho says

    Wkwkwkwkw lucu banget sih

  24. Monika WΓ³jcik says


  25. love Jsingh says


  26. Jennifer Ja'Crispy says

    The line thing is so true, but I never used pregnancy as an easy cut.

    Also, "Mother's music vs Father's music" was so me. Only I was father's music. Lol

  27. hafizulrahman says

    I love my mom

  28. Yuniar Rgt says


  29. prathika katam says

    This is one of the best video I have seen 😍 I love your videos

  30. Birdiana Fajardo says

    True, girls face this problems

  31. Dany :v says

    0:17 i could really eat that, even if i’m not pregnant πŸ˜‚

  32. ii_NeedMy_ Space says

    I would like 6 kids actually I have one child at home and I’m 17 do not judge me

  33. Nicel Comiso says

    Where's my comment?πŸ€”

  34. Suwinda Winda says

    Kok lelet ya gays

  35. Paula Dela Cruz says

    Ilovemy mom shes the best mom everπŸ€—πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

  36. gacha live aurel candra says


  37. Ashley Buckel says

    Cuz moms make us happy

  38. Ashley Buckel says

    Go moms they rule if they weren’t in our life how would we be happy

  39. Victoria Laplante says

    I want 2 kids I’m a kid

  40. Camila oficial says

    Ella realmente esta embarazada por que si es haci que bonitoo

  41. letty arellano says

    i will By Thayr to Kiss ou

  42. Secret Singer. says

    That boy is handsome πŸ˜‰

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