Teen Who Refused to Nazi Salute in Prom Photo ‘Knew What Was Going to Happen’

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The photographer who captured an image of Wisconsin students appearing to give a Nazi salute is insisting he didn’t direct them to do so. The shocking photo, which was taken in the spring before junior prom, only recently began circulating online. In the photo, almost all the 63 boy from Baraboo High School appear to make the Sieg Heil salute. One student also seems to be flashing a white power sign with his hand. Another student, Jordan Blue, who refused to participate, is speaking out.

  1. Moist Tortillas says

    Anybody Else See The Kid In The Front Doing This 👌🏼

  2. Cool Cheese says

    I saw one kid doing this👌 under his waist

  3. Master Troll says

    their all white.

  4. Black dood says

    Last row 4th guy


  5. Sydney Sikora says

    One was doing the Neck your self sign

  6. MelBell 0963 says

    Good job to those who didn’t raise their hand, very smart indeed.

  7. Gnnfrr DeLightning says

    0:10 GOT EM

  8. Duckman Carter says

    One guy got everyone

  9. alexaleenadeau says

    Got em👌🏻

  10. Prin C says

    Look at the dude in a black suit besides two other guys in a grey suit
    Look at his hand 0:10

  11. the kid on a bike ye says

    I love the guy in the front he should be praised

  12. Lennon Doherty says

    I want to be a part of that class😂👏

  13. Paulo 98 says

    There’s a kid in the bottom row that is doing this 👌

  14. Ryan Martin says

    Raise your hand Random guy: Does 👌symbol

  15. help says
  16. Mr Tydon says

    The most brave man in the world. Wow

  17. Joseph Hernandez says

    You’re so GHEY!!!

  18. Liluzivert L says

    0:17 In the hole bottoms guy next to two grey people

  19. laurie bridgman says

    There’s were others that didn’t raise their hand.

  20. He wasn't the only one, there was a group back left

  21. Lucy Fearn says

    At 54 secs there is a guy at the bottom with the dig below his waist 🤣

  22. wolfe says


  23. tijtong says

    Got em 0:25

  24. Sarah Sterly says

    👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 he is a good person

  25. Emma O'Donnell says

    Lol, Laura O’Donnell

  26. Littleton says

    Lmao the money on the talk, the dumbass autistic liberal talk

  27. Littleton says

    The only person that didn’t do it is a faggot lmfaooooo

  28. Jon Greenleaf says

    If they were all black no one would have a issue

  29. Chicken Case Of Adidas says

    The one kid with the circle sign tho

  30. Polaroid Peep says

    did anyone else notice that one guy

  31. Braden Livesay says

    0:16 that guy in the front row is showing a symbol with his hand
    Like if u see it

  32. Saniya like’s Unicorn’s says

    Pause at 0:00 got u

    Like if u see it 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  33. Itz Jayden Animates• says

    0:11 That one teen who had to do this

  34. E Taye says

    Did they notice that other kids also didn't raise there hand?????

  35. Conor moore says

    Did you see the kid at the bottem doing this👌

  36. Carlos Chavez says

    I look around and I saw this 👌

  37. I have a small penis ,but says

    Did y’all just make a whole video of a picture of couple of teens messing around? Damn no one can take a joke around here or have fun without y’all coming in.

  38. kbforme says

    Actually no I don't want my son to grow up to be gay, I would rather he keeps my name alive and also not get those idiot ear piercings.

  39. Jr Animator says

    but what about the guy that did the ok sign and didnt do the salute

  40. Greeny314 says

    At 0:12 look at the front row of the picture than if you see the fourth guy look down look what he did he's doing 👌 that but upside down

  41. I don’t think they were being racist I think they were just acting stupid

  42. 121278 says

    Hey! Is that DanTDM? Lol

  43. Imelectric says

    Bro I live like 10 minutes from baraboo

  44. A. Med says

    Hopefully they all have a hard time getting accepted into any college now 🙂

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