1. e greenie says

    @ 4:00, what kinda potatoes are them? Shoestring french fries?

  2. Qnni says

    NA education lul

  3. Nicola Janka says

    "Just fried some potatoes"
    Image of foot under thermal camera pops up

    … Sure, why not

  4. cradle0fcthulhu says

    Just when i thought wolves couldn't be any smarter…

  5. Jord Plays says


  6. aidan pope says

    2:44 that’s a lot of cum

  7. Who Cares? says

    "just fried some potatoes"
    Literally shows the picture of a foot

  8. Karma says

    Did you like go full retarded at the end calling a foot a fried potato.

  9. Younus Malik says

    0:27 omg i did that hundred times wtf im alive thank god

  10. deqnq says

    4:09 I see why my toes are cold

  11. Pablo_Frescobar1 says

    A bunch of these are videos that don’t really show how they work in pictures.

  12. THC Chaosoneby HD says

    Plankton use photosynthesis

  13. The-Lonely-Janitor 659 says

    3:00 zoom out and you'll see the average American.

  14. Ethan 123 says

    Did anybody notice that the captions don’t match up with the images

  15. chaz Gaskin says

    1:20 Tamriel?

  16. 1969man says

    Like jazz

  17. James the awesome gamer says

    The thermal image labels are off

  18. mirza sadic says

    u b e t t e r n o t w a s t e t h a t CALCIUM

  19. SePh Scott says

    Captions are 1 off mate

  20. Numan Ahmed says

    I wish i went to school

  21. Uncanny Vermillion says

    1:20 then you got the asshole from the yellow pack just running into the red pack and noping it out of there.

  22. Elise Konicov says

    How does one get a snowflake under a microscope

  23. Baki B says

    The last thermal pictures are mislabeled

  24. Yeet You says

    This is some interesting and pretty unusable shit to know in school

  25. not a troll says

    Just some fried potatoes. Shows foot

  26. Area69 says

    Try putting some effort in next time, i mean you find this shit off the internet and put some music over it and you can’t even label or edit right.

  27. willy burns says

    Nothing adds up at all

  28. willy burns says

    This sucks.none of the pictures disriptions add up.ur not pointing amything out or showing us anything

  29. Gabriel Ghanem says

    Stop putting videos. it doesn't work

  30. klank says

    2:06 im sure İstanbul, Edirne and Tekirdağ
    Montario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia
    A big part of Alaska
    The Border between America and Mexico
    A part of Argentina and Chile exists

  31. Johnny Tran says

    I did not know that pips where secretly growing skeletons

  32. Kynos says

    10+400 photos xd

  33. Jeremy Cook says

    Sneezing and blowing a hole in your throat though 😮

  34. OffdaRoots says

    MisLabelled photos are just a side effect of THERMAL IMAGING

  35. StarAviation - HD says

    Good vid but the music was kinda annoying

  36. dnug Earl says

    Just fried some potatoes though?😑

  37. Randy Magnum says

    Wow, really half-assing it, aren't we?

  38. Intelligent Being says

    Strange looking potatoes….

  39. Sergio Pérez says


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