How to Animate 2D Photos in 3D EASY ! – After Effects & VoluMax TUTORIAL


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Learn how to transform and animate 2D pictures in 3D animations by using After Effects and VoluMax Pro V5 template. VoluMax can be found on Videohive.

In this video I am showing how to use the included tool named SMART MASKS TOOL that appeared in the V5 of the template, perfect to be used on landscapes or various subjects.
More infos on official page.

Create professional quality 2.5D effects on your photos by using After Effects and Photoshop and aplying a realistic 3D displacement effect.

VoluMax is a photo animator tool for After Effects with professional results.
The simplest solution on the market to turn your pictures into 3D animations.
No clean Plate / No imprecise masks / No plugin / No complex documentation

Choose a picture then paint a black & white depth map in After Effects or Photoshop.
White for the foreground and black for the background. (Video Tutorial Included)
Now grab the controller and move in real time! Modify parameters and effects to enhance your creations with flares, particules, depth of field… and more.
The gray values of your painting added to camera and effects will produces high quality 3D animations. No need to be an expert !

Over 40 min of Video Tutorials included with Case Studies, Tips.
4K Ultra Sharp Resolution / No Plugin required
After Effects CS 6 and Above

  1. Gaëtan Boutet says

    VoluMax Pro official page —>

  2. Augusto Converti says

    What if you wanted to add an animated trim path inside a scene? Is it possible tu do it or it only works with footage?

  3. TheTechTraveler says

    How can i scale the photo? With shift doesn't work.

  4. Moiza Habib says

    Hello I just bought the product. I'm having a problem. After I use my smart mask tool and check my depth map it shoes that my image is converted to 3d but when I go to main comp 4k my images doesn't give a 3d effect.

  5. Moiza Habib says

    im using after effects 2017 version and i cant see effects and controls pannel in that version. Can you please guide me. Thank You.

  6. Wahab Hameed says

    Thanks a lot. I have a problem, when I insert any image in the project, the image is automatically divided in three parts… Why so?

  7. yortie says

    Hi! Great framework! Awesome effects! I just want to ask, is it normal for the exported file to have a file size of 5gb for a 7 seconds 2d to 3d file?

    I just followed the tutorial, and then exported the file to adobe after effects, then it says "best settings" on the quality. Then I just click Render. When I looked at the file size of the exported finish product, I saw the HUGE 5gb size for a 7 seconds clip.

  8. Vishnu Damodaran says

    is it work on android ?

  9. קובי פררה says

    work on after effect cc 2019?

  10. Nailerz O Neill says

    How do we export so they are actual photos not videos

  11. Phillip Han says

    13, 000+ :O so much earnings i like it

  12. Geeth Wihanga says

    please explain how we can save these? thank you.

  13. I think I need a more thorough explanation)) can not catch up)))

  14. Laban510 says

    This is insane! thank you also for explaining how it works!

  15. Roman Dunn says

    That's a sick plugin !

  16. Drone_Video says

    Does this support 4k and how does it align the mesh for non adult faces?

  17. Rony Dey says

    Awesome plugins extension for adobe AE ..but i have one query upon you sir i used after effects cs6 so is these 3rd party plugins is also go with adobe AE creative suite also or its only go with Creative Cloud ?? kindly suggest your answer to me because it's matters to me sir..hello sir myself Rony an Animation CG & VFx compositing student from INDIA

  18. Scott Kane says


  19. Pear Bungler says

    Je suis étudiaaaaant j'ai pas d'argeeeeeent

  20. Dai 大 says

    So.. what exactly are you selling? Isn't this all included in AE by default?

  21. Mark Travis says

    Is it possible to use this program to generate the grayscale image to then be exported for 3D printing ?

  22. Gideon Montanez says

    thanks man

  23. ttpinzon says

    Hi! Thanks for the tutorial, it's a very helpful tool. One question, can i use the pupet tool in the same composition to animate small parts of the photograph?
    Looking fowards for an answer 🙂

  24. Wei Zhang says

    It is so cool!

  25. Nightcore Wolf says

    Wow this is awesome !!😮👍

  26. Aj Borbz says

    is this applicable on volumax pro version 4.3?

  27. Mohan Sai says

    Awesome bro

  28. Videodrive says

    Nailed it!!!👍

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