1. Gill Graphics says

    hlo ßroo is model ki i.d to batahoo

  2. Dinesh Putta says

    bro Can u Give Ps Download link

  3. ravi prasad says

    not good

  4. Irfan Takked says

    And sir plz make the video of plug ins which you use for this album

  5. Irfan Takked says

    Sir share your PS link to edit

  6. NANDU MAGIX says

    tutorial 2 link

  7. RedDirtAlley Photography says

    Thank you my friend for doing all these FREE videos for us to learn, especially as busy as you are!! Ppl like to complain too much I think 😉 Keep up the great work sweetie!

  8. Alex Cisneros says

    Again no fucking stock images!!! You used to be good!!! Not any more!!!

  9. Asif Rehman says

    plz make adance krisma albums making video tutorials. ..thanks

  10. Xhahid Bharti says

    do somethign diffrent and best?

  11. Xhahid Bharti says

    not well….

  12. Charanpreet Singh says

    It is new version of Photoshop 2K17

  13. Younes Arbaoui says

    abonné toi

  14. avdhoot rohite says

    make more videos on karizma album ..

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