Face-to-Face with a Leopard Seal | Nat Geo Live
Photographer Paul Nicklen receives an unexpected gift … free food from a major predator.
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Face-to-Face with a Leopard Seal | Nat Geo Live
National Geographic
all he had to do was accept the penguin..
Pictures are cool, but how do you experience this over 2 days and come away with no film!
Imagine these creatures were domisticated by some human race or the germans in a secret experminet or something xD would be weird af
Leopard seals aren’t ugly they’re adorable
"the penguin doesn't know he is cute." nice insight.
Children in africa could've eaten that penguin
seal: what is love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
paul: baby i'm vegetarian, after that!
At some point you got to eat a penguin, I mean atleast hold the thing!
Imagine if he actually eat the pingouin, je will become best friend with an leopard seal
Epic, ja?
Awesome video and comments . This made my day!

274 penguin dislikes
Eat your penguin human, it is good for you
Wow, I love these beautiful friends.
I was snorkeling just off the beach in Puerto Peñasco, México once following a school of fish when the school parted and a seal with its mouth wide open swam thru the part, right up to my face turning 90 degrees in the last meter. I gave an underwater ''I'm not a fish!'' scream but I got the message to back off during feeding opportunities. hehe
So wunderbare Tiere müssen wir schützen …der Seeleopard , der Schneeleopard und der Tiger sind das Vermächnis der Menschheit !!! Und nur die Menschheit kann diese einzigartigen Tiere bewahren !!!
Its cute in a very morbid way
Thats amazing
AMAZING story! All animals are friendly or indifferent to humans if respected and not harassed. My husky plays with coyotes and the bonds I have formed with certain species of lizard, like agamas, are one I will carry with me to the grave.
Amazing story

He is just salty Killer whale dont kill you.
Nice lies
I don’t think the leopard seal is ugly, I think it’s beautiful.
He is the Louis CK of Marine biology
Eat the penguin or you're suspect….
tsundere seal
Why not bring a knife????
I feel bad he couldn't eat the penguin-
Feels… she thought you wanted to play with the penguin? Or you were sort of cub haha
What a great story!
My user names for video games is MegaPenguin. I’m worried
LISTEN, HUMAN! I am NOT leaving till you eat your penguin!
I'd take it, I guess
No wonder it was called Dewgong. Say gong over and over again and you basically mimic the noise that he is talking about. D
If a 12ft+ lepord seal gives you a penguin you take it.
he could just have grabbed the penguin n play along not just snap pics….why humans be so?
the seal thinks you is a nice human and wants to give you the snacc
I want the whole speech. This was great.
I will say, I hate the fact that he is trying to dehumanize the animal. We are all animals, they are just too basic and we too advanced but we are the exact same as far as living things, which is why it was trying to feed him. It knows the truth, he just forgot and seems to repress it.