2 Photographer Self-Portrait Challenge


In this new self portrait/photography challenge, I got my photographer friend Matt to pose with me for a self portrait shoot. It wasn’t easy, but it was a lot of fun to just play around with different poses and ideas. I recommend more photographers try this because it makes you think more about the concept and mood. This is a challenge I literally thought of while I was taking a shower. Hope y’all enjoy watching!

Matts Instagram:
Matts YouTube:

#photographychallenge #selfportraits #challenge

  1. Legoat says

    Dude these are sick as heck! Awesome job!

  2. CrisAllme says

    Is this the Canon App?

  3. Lou's Beauty Closet says

    Honestly Marc, your levels of creativity 👌🏾👏🏾

  4. Kissa Webb says

    This is making me think outside the box. Great job!

  5. Paloma Mas says

    you are a geeeenius

  6. Megan Pender says

    Dang these are AMAZING

  7. Tijana Stefanovic says

    Wooow amazing!!!

  8. Edvin says

    I love it, good job..

  9. Jesús Chuy Campos says

    It is creativity 🤩

  10. Break Your Boundaries says

    Yoooo, this came out so DOPE. It seriously is always such a blast shooting with you man. You really reignite creativity in me, and I’ll always be thankful for you doing that. Your talent and passion shines through your work. You’re going to kill it in LA 🤙🏻

  11. Tiago Primo says

    It was amazing… Better shooting I’ve seeing so far.

  12. Zara Anatalia says

    That was so much fun to watch. Love it! Got some ideas to try now. 😆

  13. CCX Creatives says

    Your channel deserve thousands of views. Definitely love this challenge.

  14. Linh Hoang says

    Woww!! This is really cool Marc❤️

  15. Noealz Photo says

    I can't even take a selfie with a phone right LOL

  16. omar N says

    Incredibly amazing & creative.

  17. T.E.O. Hatembo says

    You are the most creative YouTube influencer! Love the pics!

  18. Ellemoonriver says

    soo sooo gorgeous ! You always have the most beautiful ideas <3

  19. Jhonree Cristino says

    I feel I know the inspiration for the shot that you two are leaning on each others back, "Call me by your name".

  20. merle w.x says

    So beautiful

  21. Eligio Banda says

    I love the vibes your photos give off! They are like art I would find in a book.

  22. Roderick Nieuwenhuijse says

    Damn creative🙃

  23. Eligio Banda says

    So noob question lol. How do you link your phone to your camera?

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