1. clive mossmoon says

    Please enunciate.

  2. Eric H. Roth says

    Thank you for sharing your insights on classic street photographs and photographers. I found it quite informative. Time to take more photographs!

  3. thank you for this class!

  4. franklin gracida says


  5. Tapas Basu says

    Another good talks with excellent works of famous Photographers , thanks for sharing …

  6. Steve Mulvey says

    Cowboy @24:56 reminds me of the 1969 film Midnight Cowboy. It's a film of a novel of the same name, utterly gut wrenching story, sort of matches Roberts photography. Cheers for the vid!

  7. Jose Nicdao says

    hi eric, i like your educational videos a lot. inspires me to go out and shoot everyday

  8. Jaytee1o4 says

    thanks for the video. you inspire me to go out in shoot all the time

  9. nofear4232 says

    Love your explanation of those pictures

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