5 Ways to Improve Your Photography (+5 Ways For Instant Success*)

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Feel like your photography is not improving? Here are 5 tips to help you out with your photography.

Plus 5 tips for instant gratification on some photo-sharing sites that call for shallow social interaction.

* Not guaranteed

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  1. Arturo Hernández Martínez says

    You forgot the most important, selective desaturation on black&white.

  2. salamazman says

    Hehe, well done.+

  3. Daryl Ilagan says

    What is the lens that he use in the video…pls help…thank you…

  4. Herman Daniel says


  5. This is Life says

    learn to focus and avoid public gazes with your mind. you are a Artist and above human behavior O.O

  6. joshua white says

    "bokeh is the ansewer" :.D

  7. LordArioh says

    but I would still recommend to keep telezoom lens in a pocket, cuz I learned it hard way, once I nearly died 4 times zooming with my legs, the shot totally worth it. but there are things out there you can't come closer.

  8. esmokebaby says

    Dildos in the window lol people would loose it if they did that in america

  9. Mireia says


  10. Tim Wattley says

    Trolled me again

  11. Maxilimianmus says

    Youre so arrogant
    . I like it

  12. Claudiu Daramus says

    the worst ever tips I ever heard in my life for getting a better photo, I feel better now, I get better shots than that 🙂

  13. Michael Angelo H. says

    One of two zoom lenses I have is a 35 to 70, which covers a bit of the wide-angle, the "nifty fifty", and "zoom" areas. Really handy for just shooting random things when you don't know exactly what you need. – The other one is a 70 to 200 or something, but that's like carrying binoculars. I didn't buy it, it was given to me. Who knows if I'll use it, cause it's for stuff like down the street, not even just the other side of the street.
    Oh, and I technically have one more "zoom" lens, but it goes from 24 to 35. So it's not exactly a "zoom" like you'd think, but more like an adaptable wide-angle.

  14. MAFIab LeLz says

    When he left the camera on the trssh bin, well….. I once found a Canon 650D camera on a trash bin in Croatia when i was having a break in school. 😂

  15. _JDP studios_ says

    3:35 lol im dying

  16. R1245 says

    Huh, i thought A stood for "Aperture Prioroty" not "Auto"

  17. victor whitby says

    Great bid bro

  18. Rahool Ram says

    where do you buy used cameras for such good prices ? Is it from any website (eg. eBay ) ? Great video BTW 🙂

  19. Vittoria says

    oh my god. poor camera.

  20. caitxxx says

    what about using large zooms to take pictures of things you physically can't get to?

  21. Osama Malik says

    sir plz listen

  22. Anthony says

    Instant tip number 5 should've been "use selective color".

  23. sanket more says

    please don't destroy camera 😢 because i don't have one 😭

  24. P Riza says

    Happy Video …. 😃😃😃😃😃😃👍👍👍👊👊

  25. Kono Suba says

    lucky guy lol

  26. Alicia Black says

    Send one of those cameras to me instead of smashing it or leaving it somewhere. lol

  27. Meh says

    Sometimes I feel that black and white is easier for instant gratification.

  28. Franky Alvarez says

    when he gave that guy the gear he was like wth just happened

  29. BMWcarguyE36 Cars says

    You are being a bit rude to the public.

  30. Arthur Duprat says

    Does he actually give all that gear away

  31. Samy Derni says

    Bw is great to learn how to manage the light but of course you speak about the auto bw which is really crap.

  32. Josiah Riskin says

    this was practically a do's and don't's video

  33. Reyes says

    hdr looks like shit

  34. Declan Williams says

    What's the lens after or before number 5 when he comes out of the toilet I really want to buy one if you can tell me on my Instagram @declanwilliamss

  35. bckpck_photography says

    It is true for me that you get lazier with bigger zooms. I started with a 18-140, then downgraded to a 18-55, and now I sold all my gear and got just a 27mm prime.
    If you guys wanna see how it goes with the changes, stay tuned on my Instagram (@bckpck_photography) or Flickr (https://www.flickr.com/photos/bckpck_photography).

  36. Bynx says

    He smashed an LC-A+
    I'm so sad now

  37. Rafael González says

    This guy gives pretty good tips, but takes pretty bad pictures

  38. xchaos05 says

    in all seriousness, am i supposed to take this at face value or take it to heart?

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