How To Create Album Templates In InDesign


Check out Awesome Album Design Skills for our complete video tutorial on designing albums using InDesign, as well as tips on pricing them and selling them:

Never buy album templates again!

Use InDesign to setup album templates that you can use to quickly create album layouts. Lauren shows you how easy it is to do in this screencast!

You can also check out this free album template pack to get you started:

  1. Thomas Andreas Parpoulas says

    1.30 There are two types of people in this world, the ones that click and fix a typo and … 😀 seriously though, thanks for this great tutorial!

  2. Kasandra Mathieson says

    Great video ! Thank you.

  3. LiAk0sW4y says

    Awesome, thank you!

  4. Rizwan Ali says

    What did she do at 2:46 ?

  5. Milt Reeder says

    Adobe CC seems have changed this process? I can save the frames, but they don't show up as a preview like they do in your presentation?

  6. Alex Teixeira Filmes says


  7. Tracey Johnson says

    Thank you! Changed my life!

  8. ecpunkjr says


  9. Zsuzsi Pal says

    This is great, do you have a video on the starting process, setting up your document with bleeds, margins etc? 

  10. Heidi Luyckx says

    Thank you a lot !

  11. noamisback says

    Great video
    How can I set to have grids that marks middle of the page? Thanks

  12. Peter Wraae Marino says

    When I use the Place template option then my template does not come in the correct position. Is there something missing?

  13. Giu Stefani says

    This video just saved my life! LOL Thank you so much! 🙂

  14. Gorkxs g says

    Thank you so so much. Needed this.

  15. Kelli Johnson says

    what would I do with out you!  this is awesome, I have my own templates but they were given to me now I can make my own!  YAY

  16. Rijan H says

    great stuff! Thanks ! subsrcribed! 😀

  17. Hector Rivera says

    Can you use those templates with millers, mpix pro, whcc, baiy photo or any photo making book company?????

  18. João Neto says

    Tanks !:))

  19. Long Phan says

    your voice is so addictive

  20. Kerissa Ward says

    This is great! Thank you so much. I am definitely going to check out your other videos. =)

  21. Alexandru Daniel says

    Thanks for the tutorial. Really easy to do and very clever. I am a beginner but now I am moving like a pro.

  22. Jürgen Mayr says

    You can also save the process of removing the images and renaming the template with a Plugin called AlbumPro (simply search google for it).
    The feature is save is called add page to library.

  23. picturetaker2008 says

    I'm new to InDesign and have a question. Can you convert templates that contain design elements in them to InDesign templates? For instance, I have many templates that I've purchased or downloaded from Digital Scrapbooking websites that contain design elements like vintage frames, etc. Can these be converted to InDesign templates so that the drag and drop functionality can be used?

  24. Christian Cura says

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  25. Waleed shibany says

    thank you 1000 time

  26. Aaron Puls says

    Thanks for the info. Im curious how do you deal with indesigns terrible image interpolation? I find at output stage indesign is almost unacceptably bad at down or upsizing images. It is only just acceptable if you output to PDF then convert the PDF to JPG….am I missing something here?

  27. Joshua Jones says

    Exactly what I needed. Thank you.

  28. Photography Concentrate says

    @jfeagle214 Thanks for commenting! InDesign will definitely save you a ton of time (compared Photoshop) when you're making albums! If you're interested in learning more we have a full tutorial on using InDesign to create albums – there's a link in the video description 🙂

  29. Jess says

    So glad I stumbled upon your videos. LOVE them. You explain ID to me and I actually understand it. ID is new to me so I've been trying to teach myself, and now I see how easy it is to do albums I can't wait to get making them in ID, I have previously done them in Photoshop (and it's a pain to switch out photos). Great job can't wait for more!

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