1. Yamakawa says

    "The best picture is around the corner, just like prosperity". What an enjoyable interview. It was interesting to hear his ideas about the similarities and differences between photography and music as well as painting. A great artist and educator. Thanks for posting. Y

  2. LpJunior537 says

    it's sad that people today seem to think black and white photographs arent worth making. unless it's over saturated colors then nobody likes it.

  3. Barry smith says

    What I forgot to say in my last comment, that making a black and white photograph in the darkroon, you select the paper, which involves the image tone and paper surface, the different types of chemicals and how they effect the way the image appears, the rich velvity black tones, the mid-tones, etc.

  4. Barry smith says

    Ansel Adams is indeed a great photographer. He understands the craft . I've always liked black and white, because it's not just taking a picture, it's making a photograph. I'm sure Mr. Adams will agree, that weather you're using digital or a large format film camera, you need to know the craft. Sometimes you're going to set your camera on totally automatic and auto-focus…..and click. Then there are times when you're going to use a large format film camera like Adams and meter here and meter there, and set your camera this way and that way….you're making a photograph.

    Did you know that Adams also took pictures in color as well? That's what I read somewhere. But I've never seen any of the color prints.

    If you love photography, then you love everything about it.

  5. Joe Slater says

    so sad that he never got to see the great advances in digital photography that he was talking about

  6. Mike Kleinsteuber says

    Thanks for these uploads.

  7. Andrew Peckover says

    amazing what a great man!

  8. Jay Rich says

    billy joel's father?

  9. Jay Rich says

    13:32 is the secret

  10. Herbshirt says

    @5:10, the name of another photographer is mentioned. Does anyone know who they are referring to? Sounds french.

  11. NZpnw says

    I wonder what Ansel would have thought about photography today.

  12. andy sheader says

    What a wonderfully peaceful guy.

  13. Wrecks says

    I love how excited he was about digital photography and tehnological advances in photography.

  14. mark y says

    His assistant is John Sexton, a famous and amazing photographer in his own right.

  15. Thorsten Latz says

    I really love many of Ansel Adam's pictures, he is one of the very few really great landscape photographers in my opinion. But I honestly never understood the – for lack of a better word – hype for 'Moonrise over Hernandez'.

    Admitted, it is a good picture; I – being a mediocre hobby picture taker myself – would be proud, if I could say that I made this photo, but compared with the general quality of his work in the Sierra Nevada and Yosemite, it does not even come close to the pictures I would consider AA's best work.

  16. A Isaacks says

    Thank you, Adams, for paraphrasing well the reason why I came to watch your video as a non-photographer, that all forms of art carry the same principle of creativity! Bravo, fortissimo yaaaa

  17. St. Francis Cainta says

    This man has been editing his images even before many of us heard of Photoshop. I guess this puts a damper on those who believe "pure photography" means shooting without manipulating their photos.

  18. Matt Sparlin says

    He is the soul reason I picked up a camera at such a young age and wanted so badly to be a photographer one day.. now I'm living my dream. Great stuff here.

  19. Socrates says

    If I am using 35mm film (black and white film for C41 processing and scanning the negatives, is it possible to still use the zone system?

  20. jan wybren vellinga says

    ty rob

  21. Michael Piziak says


  22. Kenny Yu says

    Nice one Rob!

  23. Lion van den Brand says

    Thanks a million for sharing Rob!

  24. jtownshend says

    Thanks for sharing.

  25. figuemoino says

    thank you for sharing

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