Wildlife Photography–April Snowstorm Birds– The Hermit Thrush!


The Hermit Thrush is a short-distance migrant in the Great Lakes states, and these subtle and beautiful birds often meet with challenging weather as they migrate north in early April. Join Brian Collins and Bruce Leventhal as they craft images of migrating Hermit Thrushes a couple of days after an April snowstorm. Exposure theory and wildlife strategies are covered in this short film.

Be sure to find Bruce Leventhal’s amazing photography at www.btleventhal.com

  1. Steve Hedges Photography says

    Great video, really enjoyed watching it.

  2. Craig Denford Photography says

    Beautiful images, some lovely tones.

  3. Jeff Dankert says

    Sweet, especially when it was eating sumac berries.

  4. Mama's Basecamp says

    This thrush is so beautiful, thanks for sharing another great video.

  5. Bruce Leventhal says

    Brilliant work Brian!… You are a master story teller 😀

  6. Donna Couture says

    Awesome shots and great video footage. Really enjoyed it all.

  7. Barbara says

    – Owen Wilson

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