Julius Studio – Photo Studio Kit Review


Review of the budget friendly Julius Studio – Photo Studio Kit ( It comes with a backdrop stand, three backdrops, four light stands with diffusers, light bulbs, and a carrying case. It was easy to setup in under a half an hour. I would highly recommend it for the budget home studio.

DISCLAIMER: This video description contains affiliate links. This means that I may receive a small commission if you click on the link or purchase the product to help support the channel. We really appreciate the support!

  1. Martin Bryan says

    This was so bait, I can't even trust what you're saying… bad review.

  2. Daniel howarter says

    Same thing can be found on jet.com for $91.00

  3. Online with Dyl says

    I'm confused on how to set up the soft box lighting. The instructions are confusing to me. Do I push down on that circle thing to get the box into its shape? I don't want to break it.

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