Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby- Developing in the womb

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Incredible Real Photography of the journey from a sperm to human baby- Developing in the womb photography by Lennart Nilsson

All photographs are real , clicked by real conventional cameras with macro lenses, an endoscope and scanning electron microscope These beautiful photographs of the fetus growth in the womb is Incredible and wont let you blink your eye untill the video is over.

Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson spent 12 years of his life taking pictures of the fetus Developing in the womb. These incredible photographs were taken with conventional cameras with macro lenses, an endoscope and scanning electron microscope. Nilsson used a magnification of hundreds of thousands and “worked” right in the womb. His first photo of the human fetus was taken in 1965.

Sperm in the Fallopian Tube..!!
An egg cell..!!
The fallopian tube
Two sperms are contacting with the egg cell
The winning sperm
The sperm 5-6 days.The clump has developed into a blastocyst, containing many more cells,and has entered the womb
8 days.The human embryo is attached to a wall of the uterus
The brain starts to develop in the human embryo

24 days.The one-month-old embryo has no skeleton yet.There is only a heart that starts beating on the 18th day

5 weeks.Approximately 9 mm.You can now distinguish the face with holes for eyes,nostrils and mouth

40 days.Embryonic cells form the placenta.This organ connects the embryo to the uterine wall allowing nutrient uptake,waste elimination and gas exchange via the woman’s blood supply

Eight weeks.The rapidly-growing embryo is well protected in the foetal sac

10 weeks. The eyelids are semi-shut. They will close completely in a few days

16 weeks.The foetus uses its hands to explore its own body and its surroundings

The skeleton consists mainly of flexible cartridge.A network of blood vessels is visible through the thin skin

18 weeks.Approximately 14 cm.The foetus can now perceive sounds from the outside world

20 weeks.Approximately 20 cm.Woolly hair, known as lanugo, covers the entire head

6 months.The little human is getting ready to leave the uterus.It turns upside down because it will be easier to get out this way

36 weeks. The child will see the world in 4 weeks

Sperm in the Fallopian Tube..!!

An egg cell..!!

Miracle Of Life, Human Hybrid
baby developing in womb photography
baby growth in womb photography
gastrulation process
Human baby growth
photography by Lennart Nilsson
cell developing in womb

  1. Abdou Michael says

    God has created such amazing things .. Wake up people

  2. samin0712 says

    This video is incredible!

  3. Scorpion Luna says


  4. Baby E says

    Jehovah is incredible ❤️

  5. s 6 says

    Just a miracle

  6. Rafa Zidane says

    Thanks God.
    I am 10weeks pregnant 🤰 for the 3rd child😁

  7. Joseph Wilson says

    Sperms behind me:
    Doctor, scientist, lawyer.
    Me: useless

  8. McDouche77 says

    Ewww kill it!!!! ~Democrats

  9. Pretty Universe says

    5weeks is horrible

  10. s302jzget says

    Happier music at least. I feel like I’m watching an alien documentary.

  11. MarzMelloHorse says

    Guys it's kinda hard to believe we looked like that.

  12. Charm S. says

    I’m 5 weeks pregnant now with my 2nd child,. Yes! This is the battle we won,,,

  13. Shane Courtoy says

    The music makes it creepy

  14. Leila Sanchez L gang says

    So beautiful 😍💙

  15. Jake Hendrickson says

    What's with the creepy music?

  16. BlueJayStudioz says

    Life is beautiful and intriguing, you have a 1 in 4 trillion chance of being born, you are special

  17. Chrissa&Pig says

    Why’d they change the music??

  18. KURD Epic says

    God is amazing

  19. p u r e INSANITY says

    But hey, its not killing them 3rd trimester now.. They are not human somehow.. Even the ones that survive and they have to drown in saltwater arent Even human, by the New leftist lawmakers. Hurra 4 infanticide💪

  20. Isaac Mansfield says

    We are winners! Well except for the 61,278,814 babies who lost to their moms

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