1. Seth Woll says

    Wow. Get absolutely bent over and fucked you mass of imbeciles. I guess by your logic this makes everyone leaning left either apart of the Klan or strongly racist. And if you believe a word of bullshit this prick says to sidestep this blatant show of disregard for citizens of color you are officially brain-dead.

  2. Lydia K says

    So sad.

  3. Josh Lei says

    CNN is somehow ghost watching their segments for me. My history is full of CNN rubbish watched to the full extent.

  4. soursop1972 says

    I will make sure my primary care doctor is not an EVM graduate.

  5. Perry Miller says

    Cuomo believes in infanticide like his brother.

  6. SuperHero Loves Akita’s says

    I agree the pic and message behind it are reprehensible. HOWEVER. How about leave people to express free speech without picking and choosing?! The plus side is we could heed the results, as in this case, blatantly racist.

  7. adam hunt says

    Ohhh no this is bull shit don't apologize this is whom you are own it be proud of it it's not against law to be your self…..

  8. H. Phillip says

    I'm sure old, "Nigger Hating" Dr. Elwood tried real hard to keep things on the up and up.

  9. H. Phillip says

    We knew how Amerikkka felt all along.

  10. Puttentane Same says

    The Deep Deep Stupid White South just can't help itself…guess that's Donny's excuse, too.

  11. Pamela Bergner says

    and the govenor…is still the govenor…

  12. robert patterson says

    Funny how all of this came out right after this scumbag gave a interview on how he planned on murdering babies after birth. This is another one of fake news CNN slimy tactics in diverting everyone's attention from the real issue of murdering babies after birth and making it about racism. All you hear from these scumbags on CNN is race race race tired of that race card find another one

  13. Mike says

    Remember when the Wayans brother did White Chicks there was no outcry on that one.

  14. JFH JFH says

    That's the Democrats racism at its finest! Wolf's among sheeps! Always has been and always will be the racist Democrats! Wake up sheeps before the Democrats wolves eat you alive.

  15. Jake Kim says

    Africa Americans are the most racist and most backward people.

    Infact Africans are nowadays civilised than those who call themselves Africa Americans

  16. Mean Old Lady says

    CNN posting images & narratives of hate yet again & completely ignores infanticide!

  17. Chill E.D. says

    And now Liam talking about wanting to kill a Random black man? WTF is going on?

  18. JMC KING says

    I have some footage from way back in the day of this so-called news reporter you know the blond one that's talking right now fake news girl that if I was offered enough money from CNN I would actually turn the video over this chick is more racist than any female I've ever known in my life talk about somebody who's fake she takes the cake and she keeps running her mouth about the president she's going to end up with no job because I have footage that will get her fired

  19. G G says

    Times were difference 30 years ago what did you expect? America was in the middle of the drug wars and everybody was afraid of blacks, mexicans, and gays, just like today you're all afraid of illegal immigrants.

  20. E Laurole says

    They always apologize when the spotlight turns they're way

  21. Pink Panther says

    Why did he dress up in costume? Who was the guy in the KKK costume?

  22. Collected Reader says

    Let's see, CNN protects Northham being a racist because he's from the left. Not hypocritical at all huh

  23. GOLDENEYE 1124 says

    Democrats beez rayciss!!

  24. T H says

    Fuck him and his apology fuck all you racist piece of shits. Satan is waiting for all of you🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥burn mother fuckers burn. Remember you Reap what you Sow.

  25. Maritza Piccarillo says

    So they didn't notice that in 1984???
    Back then it would have been a major insult.
    Today, I feel sorry for people like that. Desperate to feel great, elevated that they have to stoop so low dressing up in insulting attire of hatred.

  26. ErayQforgetU says

    They shouldn't have to apologize the photos from 1988 racism was allowed back then.

  27. M says

    Something democrats refuse to admit, all people are capable of good and bad. Democrats have a KKK Governor (basically a man that makes really bad mistakes) with a rapist Lieut. Governor.

  28. International Harvester says

    A medical school,yeah,sure, we've come a long way 🙄

  29. Sleeping Angel0007 says

    If you truly know the dark history of medicals schools and what was and is done to so called black, you will not be shocked by this just hella mad.

  30. xlioilx says

    Never apologize for racism unless you really were being racist. Lesson one!

  31. TJ Michael says

    Who cares! This is as ridiculous as looking at the Kavanaugh yearbook….

  32. Rodney Williams says

    CNN, Erin Burnett, S.E. Cupp, Jake Tapper, Ana Cabrera, Democrat politicians Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren, NBC, MSNBC, and so many other left-wing media orgs and celebrities about to get their asses sued for libel!!! Lyin, slanderous DemonRats are crashing and burning hard and fast. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kentucky.com/news/state/article225504550.html

  33. tommy smokingun says


  34. Remington Bradley says

    Omg a racist picture my whole life is ruined!

  35. Desperado5501 says


  36. Desperado5501 says


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