Star Photography for Beginners (Astrophotography)

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Learn the basics of astrophotography with this tutorial!

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1:20 Equipment You Need
2:52 Light Pollution + Sky Mapping
4:20 Step 1: Setting Up + Locations
5:10 Step 2: Composition
6:08 Step 3: Alignment (Basic Camera Settings)
6:42 Step 4: Aperture
7:28 Step 5: Shutter Speed
7:56 Step 6: ISO
8:25 Step 7: Focusing
9:09 Step 8: Experimenting + Review
9:58 Step 9: Lighting the Foreground Subject
11:12 Step 10: Refining Your Shot
11:38 Step 11: Editing in Lightroom

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  1. Laurie Cook says

    Has anyone tried this with a standard lens that comes with a DLSR? does it still work?

  2. Biały Wilk says

    Damn, in Poland I can only take a photo of pollution and smog …

  3. Adventureguy says

    i wane buy me a camara what cam to buy to take realy pritty photos

  4. AbominableSnowboardr says

    Am I the only one that's tripping out at 10:0011:00 in the video

  5. Lawrie says

    Excellent video my friend, lots of very useful information.

  6. Sandra Wiseman says

    Hey guys! I have a Canon EOS Rebel XSi Model# DS126181 Camera With 28-55mm and a AF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6 LD, can just buy a special lens to be able to shot stars and if so what lens would you recommend or what extra equipment would I need?. PLEASE HELP!!

  7. Sandra Wiseman says

    Great info Josh. Can you suggest a good starting Camera and equip, all for about 1000.bucks? some of us beginners are on a budget. Thanks again for the super great info….

  8. Cheeto Fries 27 says

    When I lower my shutter speed it doesn’t let me fix my iso

  9. kirwi kirwinson says

    Take your Ritalin.

  10. Michael Call says

    Thank you! After watching just this one tutorial I was able to capture a beautiful nightscape in my Missouri countryside.

  11. H25o4 says

    Thanx Josh love this video. Deffo gonna be watching all your others. Nice and easy to watch and understand. Also a really nice guy. Peace always from the UK.

  12. THE WOAT says

    prolly got bullied for that helmet…

  13. THE WOAT says

    guess skating didnt work out…

  14. Tom Constantineau says

    As a guy from Idaho….. we're famous!

  15. Luis Gonzalez says

    Reese is teaching me photography. Best day of ma life

  16. Diego Vargas says

    Cool tips, but what a horrible autofocus you have. It stresses the hell out!

  17. MrManniG says

    You might want to add that if you are shooting with an DSLR you might want to
    turn on the Mirror Lock

  18. Kim Henning says

    Is 30" = 30 second timer? The photo at 0:04 really has some LOVELY colors. 😀

  19. Rich Hine says

    Nicely done- direct- to the point. A very good starting point for some of us.

  20. Laurent de backer says

    What the hell do you mean, don't like your work? Come on, it's beautiful! 🙂

  21. mattzx77 says

    All the Rokinon lenes are pretty good for a budget. I have the 14mm and the 16mm both very nice for Night sky. Also you can use live view to manually focus on a star. No need for test shots

  22. Juan Jo says

    thank you bud, that was very help full!.. I got a Fish eye lense.. is that lense will be the better for shooting stars? isnt that will have the lowest aperture of all lenses? I got the 7 artisans 7,5 mm … thanks for you help..

  23. swedish Japanesuu says

    Im really new to Astro photo.. can i do it with the CANON 200D Kit lens?

  24. Numan Tahmiscioglu says

    Great job. Solid basic or nightsky photography. Thanks a lot. I kindly suggest you to shoot your tutorial videos with manual focus with a constant distance between you(a simple ground mark would perfectly work) and your camera to avoid constant AF adjustment of the camera.

  25. Ashley Kaye says

    Thank you for the tutorial! Super helpful.

  26. Naoufal Buhora says

    You need a stabilizer for your neck/head mate.😁

  27. EmberDrops says

    Nice vid, thx 😀

    btw i got the 8888th like lol XD

  28. Tom Krull says

    Why dont you go over bulb mode?

  29. Helen Wong says

    Josh….thank you. I've tried loads of tutorials and this is the first one I've been able to actual shoot the night sky…ok my equipment isn't what you've recommended (I don't have a wide lens) but none the less…the best results I've had so far.

  30. Stanley Wall says


  31. Dave Walters says

    Thanks – very helpful and insightful!

  32. SiGmAnp226 says

    Great vid can’t wait to get out there. Do you have any pointers on getting the focus down?

  33. Diane Hall says

    Thanks Josh, super helpful. I've just started into astrophotography with a recent camping trip to Death Valley then Grand Staircase NM. I was wondering why my shots were slightly blurry even with a tripod. But I think your shutter remote idea is the key. I'll be watching more of your videos, very helpful, thanks! Oh, and I love the light painting idea!

  34. Ruben Gastelum says

    Hey I'm ready dam it..😀🐶🔭

  35. Han Chen says

    With much appreciation for this beginner's guide to astrophotography…Thank you.

  36. JuneBeforeJuly says

    Not too sure which to get, lightroom cc plan or photography plan. Which are you using?

  37. David Peters says

    I know absolutely nothing about cameras. All this technical jargon goes straight over my head. I just want to buy a good camera and tripod and go take some cool pics. Help lol

  38. Robert McDaniel says

    Great information and your delivery is awesome. You are having so much fun and that translates to the audience. Thank you and keep making' videos.

  39. kevkevkevin huang says

    I did a great job on explaining all these things. Thank you!

  40. P K says

    Y dont u cut the bla.. and show us Bitch!

  41. Ahmed Lootah says

    So helpful video 👍🏻

  42. Dave Dyck says

    This was fantastic video. Thanks for posting. Really helped a lot. do you have anything posted that goes into highlighting a person in the foreground. you touched on it in this video, but could use a little more info on this. As well do you have anything for beginner ;right painting?


  43. Astrophotography Ind says

    Wow 👍

  44. Gunny40 says

    One of the only channels I can watch on photography. Thank you so much!

  45. lazyfly7 says

    This tutorial was amazing. I'm going to Alaska next week and hoping to get pictures of the Northern Lights. This is all the information I have been looking for, including light painting. I can't wait to try it. Thank you so much!

  46. Leonor Rosales says

    This is helpful! Thanks for sharing. However do you have suggestion for beginners who wanted to try Astrophotography too with affordable price DLSR camera? I appreciate your advice thanks

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