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How to Photograph the Moon

Photographing the moon can be easy--I walk you through the process and give you exact settings to use. For more advanced photographers, I'll also introduce you to Registax ( and show you how to get EXTREMELY detailed photos of the moon.…

No More Toilet Humour Photography Vlogs

Download Gavins Milky Way Lightroom Presets and use coupon code yt20 for 20% off. After years of trying, I finally capture the stars over Tofino in my favourite shot of the year. But can Catherine handle the new Fototripper vlogging…

P900 zoom test moon, mars and saturn!

nikon coolpix p900 zoom test moon, mars and saturn! New version! (with Jupiter too!) heres a Jupiter video i done! Filmed using a tripod and the camera only. Frequently asked questions.. what tripod did you use? Caseflex…

Let's Photograph the Andromeda Galaxy

The Telescope Used (Z61) ➡️ I've just returned from a memorable deep sky astrophotography camping trip with Rudy. Using the new William Optics Zenithstar 61 APO, I captured over 2 hours worth of total exposure time on the Andromeda…

Photography is an antidepressant

This is the first video in a new series I'm making called "Photography Is..." I want to explore what photography means to people and what it's benefits are, as well as it's drawbacks. And it won't all have such as a serious tone as this…

How To Photograph The Northern Lights

How to Photograph the Northern Lights covers what lenses you'll need, exposure times, and ISO settings for how to best photograph the aurora borealis. It also covers how to focus at infinity and how to great night photography…