1. ali barzegar says

    In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
    Hello my friend
    Can you help me
    A few days later my wife's birthday. I would love to give her a wooden picture frame.
    But in my country, Iran did not find that you were designing.
    If you can help me
    Send me a photo of you to convert this image to the cnc device code and send it to me
    hope to God
    Please give me a message

  2. Haroon 3d Designing Academy says

    Photo working and sculpting is too much easy in artcam.

  3. powertekusa says

    I am using Artcam Express 2013. I have been following this video step by step. When I paste the base down, it ends up on top of the photo. The photo does not show up on top of the relief, Why ?

  4. Fish & Disc says

    It looks to be machining the scrap material outside the part, at time 6:23.  This would be a waste of machine time, has this been fixed with updates?

  5. Gerry Moffatt says

    Thanx for this video. I have had my ArtCam for 2 years and wasn't aware of this option for carving from a photo. I have been trying to do it for about  year now with limited success, but this method is the easiest and yields the best results.

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