Photography Tips – Understanding Light (Pt 2A) Portraits

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This is an exercise you can do to help you understand how light works when you’re shooting an outdoor portrait. There’s all kinds of different light to be found in all sorts of nooks, crannies and unlikely places. For portraiture (especially female portraiture) you need very soft light. If your sitter has a bit of ‘life experience’ there may be one or two lines on her face and trust me – ladies hate lines!

Bearing that in mind, understanding light is crucial if you want to avoid getting a slap!

The only way you’ll ever find out where to find soft light is to get out there and practise. Watch our videos then go look for some shady corners and give them a go. Don’t be afraid to get it wrong either because that’s how we learn. If the light looks bad in a photo – ask yourself why – and what might improve it – and go look for some new light and try again.

In part 2b we have a really cool lighting exercise for you to try…

we have loads more free lighting videos on our site

  1. LMH JGSeuk says

    Lovely model. This video is a gem. Most videos about lighting focus on the studio. Thanks for your excellent work here, great idea about how to utilize light to your advantage. Cheers!

  2. Hanns says

    Loved the "We've got fans" bit

  3. unbelievabubble says

    Great videos, subbed. Would be fantastic if you can give your camera settings too.when show the shots. Cheers

  4. Levi Amante says

    Probably one of the best tutorials I have ever seen!!

  5. Keeva Clayton says

    Great video! Very helpful!

  6. Ion Petrisor says

    Thank you!

  7. lytken says

    god video but a real shame Deb is not smiling at all no matter what light you got, nothing brings more life to at picture then smile and sparkling eyes

  8. Eyal Mazor says

    Probably the best video this week! tnx!

  9. The Samurai says

    Such an amazing video… I'm so glad that all this is free. Thank you Mike, thank you so much. You are helping me so much to become a photographer. I especially like the "Hey look we've got fans" part. This deserves to be put on TV.

  10. Carla Mountenay says

    Most helpful videos! However I almost wet myself when I started reading the subtitles.. Thanks for the valuable info and the laugh 🙂

  11. MrTanker10a says

    I have found your prescribed link. Thank you very much Mike B. fro your prompt response.
    So the idea is to reduce the shadows in order to reduce the female wrinkles…
    30-degrees of light (off-flash camera) or less and lots of diffuser if possible?!? By comparison to older males…Which is the opposite??!!?

  12. Miguel Colon says

    I enjoy watching your videos. I have learned a lot from your knowledge and experience. Thank you.

  13. pei broker says

    appreciate your keying in on light…

  14. 123vandrax says

    A charming ladies man like myself,im just not this good at taking pictures yet

  15. Gary Chow says

    Really like your videos. Very informative and presented in a down to earth and jargon-free manner. But I have to say I am intrigued by the way you hold your camera.

  16. Luis Perez Crespo says

    Hi Mike, thanks for sharing your knowledge, this was very interesting. You now have a new suscriptor from Argentina. Thanks again!!!

  17. Bintazmin says

    Debs has a very friendly face 🙂

  18. AKM47 says

    Mike. Where i see your camera settings for your pictures in this video?

  19. mikieson says

    new subscriber here..i like how you are very clear,well spoken,and to the point..very good videos and thanks.

  20. morbidbushido says

    Wow, that's sooo much great knowledge in a few minutes. Great Job and thank you!

  21. Mike Browne says

    Thank you. It's a 70-200 used at varying focal lengths according to each shot. Hope you enjoy the DVD…

  22. blue28119 says

    Great shots of debs in this video . Great looking shopping area too. Any chance you can tell me what lens size you used here Mike. Just ordered your DVD too from Amazon im hoping it has differnt stuff that isnt on you tube. Love your work it really inspires me Thanks

  23. Jessica stein says

    Thanks for sharing your studies Mike .. These are minute yet so important tips about Photography, Hassan durrani from what people call a terrorist country Pakistan .. chill

  24. Mike Browne says

    Thank you

  25. Lokopo says

    Why do i feel that Im learning so much from this vid and almost none from the others??? tq so much sir. my perspective really changes alot and better.

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