How to Print Different Size Photos on the Same Sheet : Photography Effects & Techniques


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Printing different sized photos on the same sheet is a great way to conserve your resources and save a little money. Print different sized photos on the same sheet with help from an experienced professional photographer in this free video clip.

Expert: Dan Reinecke
Filmmaker: Unknown Media

Series Description: Taking photographs isn’t just about interacting with your subjects, but it is also about interacting with your various pieces of technical equipment. Get tips on photography that you can use today with help from an experienced professional photographer in this free video series.

  1. L. Lea Wagner says

    I'm using Photoshop CC 20.0.4 and when I Select NEW a menu to choose " create new document" does not come up…it goes directly to collage boxes instead. Am I doing something wrong?

  2. Neelam Gidaye says

    Thank you sir! I seen your video! I learn and apply this .

  3. Deep Soni says


  4. Khan Muskaan says

    I want 9 inches square shape .photo what i do

  5. Erika Thompson says

    wow man …. awesome..

  6. Denise K. Ernst says

    This was very helpful. You helped me so much.

  7. Sixpack Mitchell says

    She is beautiful! Good Choice.

  8. Royce Larson says

    Does anyone know what software he is using?

  9. PolitelyUnCensored says

    is there an updated tutorial for this but on mac? I'm trying to print different sized images (one 4×4, one 5×7 & one 8x 10 for example) on one photo sheet at the same time…i can easily print multiple images of the same size on one sheet, but that's not what I need :/

  10. priyanka kannepalli says

    thank u soo much sir it is really helpfull

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